In the search for ever more impressive and lethal weapons to shock the enemy and bring total victory the armies of ancient Greece, Carthage, and even sometimes Rome turned to the elephant. #History #AgathoclesofSyracuse #AttalidDynasty #BattleofZama
#battleofzama #attaliddynasty #agathoclesofsyracuse #History
Agathocles of Syracuse (c. #History #AgathoclesofSyracuse #MagnaGraecia #Sicily
#sicily #magnagraecia #agathoclesofsyracuse #History
In the search for ever more impressive and lethal weapons to shock the enemy and bring total victory the armies of ancient Greece, Carthage, and even sometimes Rome turned to the elephant. Huge, exotic, and frightening the life out of an unprepared enemy they seemed the perfect weapon in an age where developments in warfare were very limited. Unfortunately, impressive though they must have seem... #AgathoclesofSyracuse #AttalidDynasty #BattleofZama #History
#History #battleofzama #attaliddynasty #agathoclesofsyracuse
Magna Graecia (Megalē Hellas) refers to the coastal areas of southern Italy which were colonized by various ancient Greek city-states from the 8th to 5th centuries BCE. Sicily, although also a region of Greek colonization, is not usually included in this area. However, later writers such as Strabo did include Sicily as the term came to signify the entire Greek world. #AgathoclesofSyracuse #Agrigento #Brundisium
#brundisium #agrigento #agathoclesofsyracuse