Fire Ants: 'Throwing everything at our efforts' reads more like 'playing with the fringes'.
Considering the closing end of Winter, you'd think this would be the last timing to increase the number of field officers doing surveys and baiting in Queensland;
while NSW increase field officers to first deploy on Verroa mites, and redeloy where needed to survey far-north NSW for fire ants.
#NSWPol #QldPol #AusPol #AgChatOz #Biosecurity
#nswpol #qldpol #auspol #agchatoz #biosecurity
The vulnerability of productive farmland is at threat from all fronts...
Yet the interests of energy giants still weighed more heavily than Australia's most threatened industry sector.
#AusPol #ClimateChange #AgChatOz #GoldPlating
#nolongerintransmission #auspol #climatechange #agchatoz #goldplating
Knew it was too optimistic to think NSW floods would do something about varroa mites.
Several months on and it’s still a problem.
NSW should be held to answer to a national inquiry - it’s a problem that potentially affects the entire nation
#AusPol #NSWPol #AgChatOz #Biosecurity
#auspol #nswpol #agchatoz #biosecurity
Sign the petition: Stop Santos’ Narrabri Gas Plans from wrecking our best farmland and our climate! #agchatoz #NoNewGas
Gunnedah Basin & Liverpool Plains farmers threatened with gas exploration on critical agricultural land have blockaded roads
Farmers and communities in the Gunnedah Basin and Liverpool Plains have again had to resort to blockade roads to protect some of the State’s most productive farmlands from fossil fuel development.
This week roads near Gunnedah were blockaded by the community as gas giant Santos continued their seismic testing for coal seam gas despite commitments that these gas resources would not be developed.
Santos in lockstep with the Government is determined to exploit the land and water of NSW’s most productive agricultural area.
#liverpoolplains #fracking #nocsg #NSWvotes #NSWpol #agchatoz #protest #santos
#liverpoolplains #fracking #nocsg #nswvotes #nswpol #agchatoz #protest #santos
RT @AMC_DirtDollars
Do you know anyone looking for a leg up into a career in #ausag? Funding + work + support + mentoring + networks. Applications close 27.01.23. DM me for more info. RT appreciated #agchatoz #agcareer #scholarship @haddonrigstud
#ausag #agchatoz #agcareer #scholarship
BOM has failed to address many of the fundamental problems that have peaked over the past 2-years.
Then this massive change of comm structuring?
Regardless of how well intended it is, it’s unsurprising that it’s met with deep distrust and scepticism.
#Meteorology #SciComm #AusPol #AgChatOz
#meteorology #scicomm #auspol #agchatoz
Farmers allege up to 70 years of warnings ignored by Government(s). At least 24 under owned Statutory Corporation, ARTC.
(... 70-years certainly plausible, if you consider the long history of the Trans-Australia)
#AusPol #NSWPol #AusLaw #NSWLaw #AgChatOz #Infrastructure #NSWFloods
#auspol #nswpol #auslaw #nswlaw #agchatoz #infrastructure #NSWFloods
Releasing bugs. Vacuuming bugs.
How all things bugs helped an organic strawberry farmer extend his crop season.
#AgChatOz #AusBiz #Innovation #Biodiversity
#agchatoz #ausbiz #innovation #biodiversity
Support for going sober in the bush as new program helps break the stigma of giving up alcohol - ABC News
#AgChatOz #Health #Alcoholism
How connected to #climate impacts on our (rice) food system are we? How broad is #publichealth messaging?
Where are grass-roots, ground-truth, lived-experience observations from? Who is live on the scene as it happens? Our twitter community is 👇🚜 #agchatoz
#climate #publichealth #agchatoz #twitterresistance
The only video you need for AgDay.
If you want to convince someone a job in agriculture is worthwhile, just send them this.
#agday #agdayau #agday2022 #agchatoz #ausag #agchat #agriculture #NationalAgDay
#agday #agdayau #agday2022 #agchatoz #ausag #agchat #agriculture #nationalagday
Righto, lets give this place attempt 4... #australiantwitter #agchatoz #auspol people say hi, follow whatevs.
#australiantwitter #agchatoz #auspol