Margaret Garigan · @margaretgarigan
218 followers · 228 posts · Server

Here are a few really shitty, destructive people who were *not* born between 1945 and 1961: Elon Musk. Mark Zuckerberg. Matt Gaetz. Rishi Sunak. Georgia Meloni. Kim Jong-Un. Jim Jordan. Boris Johnson. I could go on forever. Are you boomer haters going to start hating on other generations too? Pretty stupid, no? Fuck your .


Last updated 1 year ago

Margaret Garigan · @margaretgarigan
218 followers · 227 posts · Server

Really sick of the ageism I frequently see here. It often takes the form of sweeping generalizations and historically ignorant comments about boomers. I don’t see how anyone can just write off a generation or resent people simply because they were born when they were born. How is that any less noxious and bigoted than any other prejudice against someone because of who they are? And why isn’t included in any of the instance proscriptions I’ve seen?


Last updated 1 year ago

William Lindsey :toad: · @wdlindsy
2305 followers · 10701 posts · Server

"Ageism is one of the last acceptable prejudices, 'so ingrained in our culture that we often don’t even notice,' according to the American Psychological Association.

Because of ageism, women in the spotlight must wear a ton of makeup to appear youthful, while men can age naturally without worrying about looking old."

~ Mary Mitchell

#ageism #Biden #trump

Last updated 1 year ago

Truth Sandwich 🥪🇺🇸😷 · @TruthSandwich
347 followers · 16804 posts · Server


Then why do I hear it so much from the socialist populists, such as Hogg?

To answer my own question, it’s both ageism in specific and populism in general.

Populism rejects the value of competence, expertise, and experience; all of which favor the old. It also calls for immediate radical changes, which means that anyone with experience is likely to be dismissed as part of the “corrupt establishment elite and its status quo”.

The socialist populists are also fixed on what they imagine to be class warfare, with the slogan of eating the rich. However, due to basic math, this turns out to mean eating their parents and grandparents, who refuse to just die already and let them inherit the wealth they’ve accumulated over a lifetime.

What you’re endorsing is consistent with all of the above. Tell me I’m wrong, if you can.

#uspol #populism #ageism

Last updated 1 year ago

Mirabai · @squig
168 followers · 3413 posts · Server

Obsession with Biden's age, cruel speculations about how much he dribbles, how many strokes a day he suffers, how often he shits, and pisses himself...why, what is it but , dressed up in partisan hackery?

If you do not die first, you shall one day be as old as Biden, and I hope people treat you with more respect (no, I don't hope that). 😒


Last updated 1 year ago

pj5pj5 · @pj5pj5
184 followers · 66 posts · Server

Generalising about what “older” people or indeed “younger” people are like, sexually, emotionally, intellectually or in any other way lacks thoughtful curiosity at the very least. Please don’t do it.

Older people in the community are often invisible because of and quietly shunned especially if they don’t conform to quiet sexuality or heteronormative ways of being. Let’s change that, celebrate older sexuality.

#queer #ageism #older #age #gay #lgbtq #lgbtqia #sex

Last updated 1 year ago

David Benfell, Ph.D. · @Benfell
353 followers · 3131 posts · Server


I don't think your list is sufficient.

I see plenty of from Black activists and transgender activists. In general, I see a lot of folks who think the particular bigotry that afflicts them is the only one that matters.

It won't be ever enough to pick two aspects of kyriarchy and say that they can represent the rest. Just doesn't work that way.


Last updated 1 year ago

David Benfell, Ph.D. · @Benfell
353 followers · 3131 posts · Server

@Lundemo Anyone who actually uses should be blocked and reported for .

#okboomer #ageism

Last updated 1 year ago

David Benfell, Ph.D. · @Benfell
346 followers · 3083 posts · Server

@canleaf @emmreef

Even as a person, you can oppose

But no, the only form of discrimination that matters to you is the one that affects you. Which is sadly typical and a blocking offense.


#transgender #ageism

Last updated 1 year ago

David Benfell, Ph.D. · @Benfell
346 followers · 3083 posts · Server


Pro tip:

If you're young whippersnapper, you don't have to attribute every behavior you dislike to age. You can go for a walk or read up on or just keep your mouth shut.


Last updated 1 year ago

Sharon Machlis · @smach
2334 followers · 332 posts · Server

Kentucky's citizenry is very white and very poor. Moneyed interests often overpower the common people who dissent. The people in power loathe releasing it, like anywhere else.
Plenty of elders are dealing with chronic illness, + people of all ages have disabilities.
It's a hard sell to be progressive + yet try to force mental fitness testing on elected officials.
I want him to leave, though.

#disability #schaudenfreude #ageism #uspol #turtles

Last updated 1 year ago

Mitigating Age Biases in Resume Screening AI Models
"…trained an model & applied correction techniques …to correct for biases based on race, gender, & age. We analyzed the effectiveness of these tools in mitigating different types of bias in job algorithms, explored why age may be more challenging to eliminate than other forms of bias"
Interesting paper with a generous reference to

#labormarkets #jobtech #ageism #discrimination #hiring #bias #ai

Last updated 1 year ago

David Benfell, Ph.D. · @Benfell
345 followers · 3067 posts · Server

@StillIRise1963 You intentionally but obviously misunderstand @bob. I see you claim to be 60, but you post like a petulant child, so I will treat you accordingly. And then block you.

Look, I get that kids have big ideas and think that they, unlike us old geezers, can save the world. They refuse to consider that we went through that phase too. We know, where you clearly do not, what you're up against.

But you'd rather say , do your thing, and act like we're just a bunch of lazy fucks.


#okboomer #ageism

Last updated 1 year ago

Maja · @Piraya
212 followers · 489 posts · Server




Last updated 1 year ago

Emeritus Prof Christopher May · @ChrisMayLA6
3008 followers · 9493 posts · Server

When & intersect....

'Any age can be viewed as “the wrong age” for a woman, allowing her capacity to be questioned and her fitness for leadership challenged'!

Here are some tips from the HBR on avoiding these tendencies in the .

And it not rocket science:

Recognise the problem(s);

Tackle 'lookism';

Focus on skills & ability;

Collaborate across age cohorts so that the criticism that young(er) lack experience can be neutered

#sexism #ageism #workplace #women

Last updated 1 year ago

The Vocal Fry! So many people hate it. 😡

But why?

If you think you know anything about it, you're probably wrong. And this video will most likely demonstrate *WITH FACTS AND EVIDENCE* just how wrong you are about it. Brilliant video and well worth the 27 minutes to watch it all. You will learn stuff from history, the movies, and that you never knew about.

Also, he's funny. 😀

YouTube: Vocal Fry: what it is, who does it, and why people hate it!

#sexism #ageism

Last updated 1 year ago

Rob Whiting 📓 · @whitingx
238 followers · 640 posts · Server
Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
1514 followers · 14681 posts · Server
Ika Makimaki · @pezmico
2043 followers · 5817 posts · Server

Once again requesting people don't refer to mean spirited assholes or bullies like Musk or Trump as "babies" or "children".

Children (and babies) are generally awesome, curious, caring and sensitive beings. Most importantly: they are learning.

They notice when we use words that refer to them as insults or with derision. They wonder what is wrong with being a child.

There is NOTHING wrong with being a child.

Please do not perpetuate or with careless language.

Thank u!

#ageism #adultsupremacy

Last updated 1 year ago