If you believe that people should have agency over their own bodies then that means ALL bodies. If a minor WANTS to have sex, with ANYONE they consent to, that is THEIR choice. You don't get to make that choice for them. All bodies should have the same rights. This INCLUDES sexual rights. You don't get to make exceptions when it doesn't align with your worldview on "purity" or your religious doctrine. If a minor wants to take puberty blockers to affirm the gender they want to be, that is THEIR right. Age is arbitrary, and parents should never be allowed to force a child to do/not do anything with their body again st their will.
#youthliberation #ageismharms #ageisjustanumber
What kind of ageist are you?
#ageism #ageismharms #ageismsucks
#ageism #ageismharms #ageismsucks