DevConf (
We're already putting the final touches on the #Agenda for #DevConf2023 🤩 This year we received more than 500 submissions via #CallForPapers, so as you can guess these were not easy decisions 🙈Be patient because you will see the results soon! 😎
#agenda #devconf2023 #callforpapers #it #conference #investinlodz
Interni : Grow Together, Grow Green by Topotek at Landscape Festival #Expo2025-en #latest2023 #Agenda #Shows
#expo2025 #latest2023 #agenda #shows
📆 Agenda 2023 en Creuse - semaine 37
34 événements du 11 au 17 septembre
#agenda #sorties #sortir #encreuse #creuse #concert #spectacle #théâtre #exposition #festival
#agenda #sorties #sortir #encreuse #creuse #concert #spectacle #theatre #exposition #festival
Premier sommet de la Linux Foundation Europe le 18 septembre #Agenda
Dinsdag, 12 september: dekoloniaal inspreken bij de raadscommissie van de gemeente Hoorn
Van 19:45 tot 21:45
Raadszaal van stadhuis
Nieuwe Steen 1
"We Promise roept dekoloniale activisten op om zoveel mogelijk in te spreken en op te roepen om te stoppen met koloniale verheerlijking. Een van de belangrijke eisen daarbij is: weg met het standbeeld van de genocidepleger Jan Pieterszoon Coen."
#wegmetjpcoen #slavernij #Racisme #kolonialisme #12september #Hoorn #agenda
World leaders who have gathered in New Delhi for the G20 Summit will continue discussions for a second day after making several big announcements to fix the "global trust deficit", climate change, and economic issues.
#RajghatVisit #ClimateChange #Agenda #G20SummitDay
#rajghatvisit #climatechange #agenda #g20summitday
Sarah #Huckabee is the worst. And I mean THE WORST. As governor of a #poor, floundering red state, you might think her #policy #agenda would include #legislation that improves the lives of her constituents, and improves the state's abysmal rankings in categories like health outcomes, education, and economy. NOPE! Sarah is, instead, focusing on cutting #taxes for the wealthy, stopping efforts to mitigate #COVID, and weakening #FOIA laws to protect her from #accountability
#huckabee #poor #policy #agenda #legislation #taxes #covid #foia #accountability
Ce samedi 9 septembre, de 10 heures à 18 heures, nous serons à l'Asso de Rouen - Forum des associations de la Ville de Rouen !
Envie de nous rencontrer, de partager avec nous des coups de cœurs, de nous faire des suggestions, de nous transmettre des informations, d’adhérer ?
Venez nous retrouver au stand 87 ( à côté du chapiteau de la rentrée culturelle), nous serons là pour vous !
#forum #association #rouen #relikto #serencontrer #adhérer#culture #sortir #agenda #webmagazine
#forum #association #rouen #relikto #serencontrer #adherer #sortir #agenda #webmagazine
📅 Pour approfondir au quotidien vos connaissances sur les enjeux liés à la #solidarité internationale, et soutenir nos actions de défense des droits et libertés, procurez-vous la toute nouvelle édition 2024 de l’#agenda solidaire !
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's bilateral meeting with US President Joe Biden at his residence later today will see meaningful progress on a number of issues.
#PredatorDrones #JetEngineDeal #Agenda #PM #BidenMeet
#predatordrones #jetenginedeal #agenda #pm #bidenmeet
Zaterdag, 30 september: paneldiscussie “arbeidersstrijd en solidariteit”
Vanaf 15:00 uur
Eerste Schinkelstraat 14
#30September #AnarchistLibrary #Paneldiscussie
#Arbeidersstrijd #Kapitalisme #Solidariteit #Vakbond
#vakbond #solidariteit #kapitalisme #arbeidersstrijd #paneldiscussie #anarchistlibrary #30September #Amsterdam #agenda
Outright, undeniable lies by #JeaninePirro (aka Judge Box-Wine). It is an objective fact that the #COVID #vaccine is effective at reducing the severity of a COVID #infection, and reducing the #transmissibility of the #virus. That's what the empirical data shows. For her to claim otherwise is an overt and intentional lie made to advance a particular political #agenda, and without regard for the consequences of spreading malinformation on a consequential platform.
#jeaninepirro #covid #vaccine #infection #transmissibility #Virus #agenda
📆 Agenda 2023 en Creuse - semaine 36
36 événements du 4 au 10 septembre
#agenda #sorties #sortir #encreuse #creuse #concert #spectacle #théâtre #exposition #festival
#agenda #sorties #sortir #encreuse #creuse #concert #spectacle #theatre #exposition #festival
Vrijdag, 15 september, vijf steden: actie voor generaal pardon voor afgewezen vluchtelingen, staatlozen en Surinamers zonder verblijfsrecht
#15September #Actie #GeneraalPardon
#Amsterdam #DenHaag #Rotterdam #Utrecht #Zaanstad
#Beweging #Migratiebeleid #Vluchtelingen
#vluchtelingen #migratiebeleid #Beweging #zaanstad #utrecht #rotterdam #denhaag #Amsterdam #generaalpardon #actie #15september #agenda
Interni : At the Literature Festival we also talk about design and architecture #latest2023 #Agenda #Events
#Agenda - Bonne rentrée à tous les étudiants !
🗓️Pour vous motiver dans la rédaction des dernières lignes de votre mémoire sur le numérique, il reste 2 mois pour postuler à notre prix !
C'est par ici👉
El Festival Africa Writes regresa a Londres
Londres acogerá de nuevo un espectáculo literario: el mayor festival de literatura africana del país regresa a la Biblioteca Británica con un cartel estelar de escritores, artistas e intérpretes.
#Agenda #CulturaCineYTelevisin #Libros #AfricaWrites #afrodescendientes #Afrofminas #Afrofminas #frica #Festival #literatura #Londres #MujerNegra
#agenda #culturacineytelevisin #libros #africawrites #afrodescendientes #afrofminas #frica #festival #literatura #londres #mujernegra
Zaterdag, 9 september, Utrecht: lawaaiprotest “Geef geen ruimte aan terfs!”
Om 13:30 uur
Sint Jacobskerkhof
#9September #Protest
#Fascisme #Lhbt_strijd #RechtseOpiniemakers
#rechtseopiniemakers #lhbt_strijd #fascisme #protest #9september #utrecht #agenda
Una performance pública de Amanda Piña en Lavapiés con mujeres del barrio abre el festival ÍDEM
ÍDEM, el Festival Internacional de Artes Escénicas de La Casa Encendida de Fundación Montemadrid, celebra su undécima edición poniendo un año más en d
#CulturaCineYTelevisin #Agenda #Afrofminas #afrofeminas #AmandaPia #DEM #cultura #Festival #Lavapis #Madrid
#culturacineytelevisin #agenda #afrofminas #afrofeminas #amandapia #dem #cultura #festival #lavapis #madrid
Pro-organization tip: (I always forget to mention this)
If you have more than one agenda file in Emacs, like I do, at the top of each one, you can add:
And instead of adding just a word, you can add an emoji. For example, my reading list has a 📰. My home list has a 🏡. My emails list has a 📬.
So when you do a ‘C-c a a’ for agenda, it will show those icons in the left hand column and you can quickly visually identify them as you sort through your plans.