La gata presenta la agenda 2050 de Iván Redondo // Inocente Duke SUDIOS
#Espana #GobiernoDeEspana #GobiernoDeDelincuentes #Agenda2030 #Agenda2050 #Espana2050 #Manipulacion #TrucoDeOratoria #NadieSeVaAAcordar #InocenteDuke
#espana #GobiernoDeEspana #GobiernoDeDelincuentes #agenda2030 #agenda2050 #Espana2050 #manipulacion #TrucoDeOratoria #NadieSeVaAAcordar #InocenteDuke
Spiro Skouras has a new video where he interviews Rosa Koire, a top expert on the United Nations Agenda 21 who authored the book titled 'Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21'.
They talk about currrent events (#BLM #Antifa and so on) and how they fit in #Agenda21 and its variations #agenda2030 #agenda2050
She might be a listner as she knows well the "if you see something, say something" 😃
Worth to watch
#blm #antifa #agenda21 #agenda2030 #agenda2050