In memory of Brent Harold Liles, bassist for Social Distortionfrom 1981–1984 and later the bassist for Agent Orange from 1988 – 1992, born on this day in 1963.
#punk #punks #punkrock #brentliles #socialdistortion #agentorange #history #punkrockhistory #otd
#punk #punks #PunkRock #brentliles #socialdistortion #agentorange #history #punkrockhistory #otd
@KenExline And until we fall /fail because of the passel of jack asses, who have decided democracy is not what it is cracked up to be, the political lawless need to cool their heals in jail. This would include those overtly treasonous like #AgentOrange and his gang of anti-democrat losers who want to remake the Fed Gov in their corrupt images. 🤬
@realTuckFrumper #AgentOrange, it’s caustic, it burns, it lies it’s ass off so all you dummies at home can lose your freaking minds at the indignity of #TheHeadCrook being held accountable for orchestrating treason. Bubba* “What’s the big deal? Only winning is important.”🔥
*Apologies to some Bubbas. 🤔
In memory of Steve Soto, founding member of California punk rock band Agent Orange in 1979, founding member of Adolescents in 1980, born on this day in 1963.
#punk #punks #punkrock #stevesoto #adolescents #agentorange #history #punkrockhistory #otd
#punk #punks #PunkRock #stevesoto #adolescents #agentorange #history #punkrockhistory #otd
« Combattante pour l’indépendance du Sud #Vietnam, #TranToNga a été exposée à ce pesticide employé par l’armée américaine. Depuis, elle lutte pour que la responsabilité des groupes chimiques, qui ont fourni le défoliant, soit reconnue. »
#GuerreDuVietnam : l'ultime combat d'une octogénaire victime de l'#AgentOrange
#ArmesChimiques #dioxine #écocide #MonsantoBayer #JusticePourTranToNga
#vietnam #trantonga #guerreduvietnam #agentorange #armeschimiques #dioxine #ecocide #monsantobayer #justicepourtrantonga
Are there any Vets from Viet Nam that have Agent Orange syndrome? I'd love to talk about it.
Or anyone else that knows about it.
@DemocracyMattersALot Arsenic Koolaid by the gallon from #AgentOrange. Here have a gulp of the delicious orange ass smelling beverage. It will knock you for a loop! Click on image.
« Ce 10 août est la Journée internationale des victimes de l'#AgentOrange. »
#dioxine #ArmesChimiques #GuerreDuVietnam #SoutienVictimesAgentOrange #JusticePourTranToNga
#agentorange #collectifvietnamdioxine #dioxine #armeschimiques #guerreduvietnam #soutienvictimesagentorange #justicepourtrantonga
#AgentOrange after his latest inditement violated the court’s order not to incite unrest or violence last weekend on #TruthSocial. I want to see the court take appropriate action for contempt. The man continues to scream fire within the Nation, when it’s just him experiencing the fire in his squirming noggin as his alternate reality slowly collapses. So out of touch, jail for the time being would be appropriate. 🤔
A new version of Man on Fire….
#AgentOrange after his latest inditement violated the court’s order not to incite unrest or violence last weekend on #TruthSocial. I want to see the court take appropriate action for contempt of court. The man continues to scream fire within the Nation, when it’s just him experiencing the fire in his squirming noggin as his alternate reality slowly collapses. So out of touch, jail for the time being would be appropriate. 🤔
A new version of Man on Fire….
@StillIRise1963 The highest ranking traitor in our lifetimes (for anyone who wonders- #AgentOrange 🙄 ) and The GOzP chose to give him an attaboy to make STUPID and sinister back home happy and re-elect them in their gerrymandered precincts. 😬 If you enable and support a traitor, does that make you traitors too? 🤔
#AgentOrange aka #TFG a pompous gargoyle who likes to pretend he’s still president, rides around in golf carts with presidential seals & shirts with the word “president" on them, was angry that the judge didn’t call him “President Trump.”
Calling former presidents "Mr. President" is not only discretionary, but it's actually (by old school etiquette) incorrect. It can be done as a mark of respect, but it's not required by any protocol.
Respect you got to earn!
He earn shit all his life
@75338 how about ending the #WarOnDrugs and stopping the use of #AgentOrange on Drug Plantations then?
@TheUSASingers A fun debate. 🙃<- but don’t mistake my smiley as anything associated with #AgentOrange…
« "Toute la zone a été défoliée. Cela ressemblait à un désert", se souvient #TranToNga. Lorsqu’elle a entendu pour la première fois les moteurs d’un avion volant à basse altitude à Cu Chi, elle a rampé hors de son bunker. "Puis j’ai vu un nuage blanc flotter au sol derrière l’avion et un liquide un peu gluant a collé sur mon corps." »
#AgentOrange #dioxine #écocide #ArmesChimiques #GuerreDuVietnam #JusticePourTranToNga
#trantonga #agentorange #dioxine #ecocide #armeschimiques #guerreduvietnam #justicepourtrantonga
@AnOldGuy #AgentOrange represents a lot of firsts in the disintegrating States that still call themselves United. The first as a mentally ill, absolutely corrupt, racist, sociopath, sexual predator, ignoramus traitor to be admired by millions of suckers and scheming co-conspirators, the first sick individual of this magnitude to be elevated to the position of #POTUS and criminal because of his supreme talent of wrapping millions of self serving idiots around his little finger. 🤔😓
@JamesGleick #AgentOrange seems to have difficulty coming to terms with reality. Mostly he lives in his personal Wonderland where he snaps his fingers to make it so, then he slides out of his cocoon faced with the reality that no matter how badly he wants it, he’s just not the super villain genius he thinks he is. From his shadows the ignoramus shimmers, staring back at him. 🤔
@randahl #AgentOrange is a smart idiot, whose primary talent is rallying, infecting dumb idiots, with dreams of White Privilege and Supremacy.
But he’s not smart enough to talk his way out of what he did. “Ok, that shit didn’t stick, try this! It was Antifa! It wasn’t an insurrection! No, it was bring your bat to the Capitol Day! It was staged by the FBI! Deep State, Deep State! And I was not involved in any way! I’m like Jesus on the cross! You evangelicals know what I mean!!”😤😖😱🤠🤡💩
Rep. Ted Lieu tweets:
Veterans, if you were exposed to toxic substances during your service, you may be eligible for extra benefits under the PACT Act. Apply by August 9 for retroactive benefits. Go to to learn more.
#UnitedStates #Veterans #PACTAct #BurnPits #AgentOrange #ToxicExposure
#unitedstates #veterans #pactact #burnpits #agentorange #toxicexposure