@SJLahey @bookhistodons @medievodons @adrianhon
A fair few Conservators take detail shots with their phones while condition checking in studio and during courier trips. Having AI unknowingly "assist" by replacing change becomes an insurance issue.
#agentsofdeterioration #exhibitionpreparation
I've written a handy guide to #light, that pesky #AgentOfDeterioration we need to see! 🔆 What is it, what does it do, and what can we do about it?
Check it out here:
#preservation #guides #conservation #CollectionsCare #AgentsOfDeterioration
#light #agentofdeterioration #preservation #guides #conservation #CollectionsCare #agentsofdeterioration
An example of what iron gall ink and folds can do to tracing paper
#chemistry #agentsofdeterioration #conservation #archives