Plenty of countries set their #AgeOfConsent at 15 and everything is fine.
Letting teenagers control their own sex lives and pick their own partners does not unleash a torrent of abuse.
There is proof of this all around the world :-)
#ageofconsent #puritan #SexPhobia #hysteria
Max Karson walks into the office of an Italian MP
Max: You need to raise your age of consent.
MP: Why?
Max: because 14 is too low.
MP: What makes you say that?
Max: It just fucking seems like it!!!
(Such Powerful Arguments 😀)
If nobody was hurt by the "crime",
then incarcerating someone for it is just gratuitous cruelty.
#AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #BodilyAutonomy #DeficientBrains #Consent #AbilityToConsent #StatutoryRape #CSA #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
#agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #bodilyautonomy #DeficientBrains #consent #AbilityToConsent #statutoryrape #csa #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws
Ephebophilia doesn't exist. The entire concept is completely ridiculous.
#AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria #chronophilias #great #wrong #honest #evidence #ephebophilia #mesophilia
#ageofconsent #ageofconsentlaws #rights #ephebophilia #teens #teenagers #teensex #stopthehysteria #chronophilias #great #wrong #honest #evidence #mesophilia
#Germany, #Italy, #Portugal, and several other countries all have their #AgeOfConsent set at 14 years of age.
If you have #evidence that those #laws cause #harm, then #present it. We will go and make them #change their laws.
I'll #wait.
#germany #italy #portugal #ageofconsent #evidence #laws #harm #present #change #wait
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Teen Movies Haven’t Caught Up to the Age of Consent #Jezebel #kyletimothc3a9echalamet #entertainment2cculture #adolescentsexuality #sexualintercourse #thebreakfastclub #humansexuality #youthrunswild #sexualconsent #peterkavinsky #larajeancovey #ageofconsent #noahcentineo #saoirseronan #oliviawilde #brandyklark #michelemeek #jacobelordi #amypoehler #sexualacts #virginity #elleevans #fertility #humans
#jezebel #kyletimothc3a9echalamet #entertainment2cculture #adolescentsexuality #sexualintercourse #thebreakfastclub #humansexuality #youthrunswild #sexualconsent #peterkavinsky #larajeancovey #ageofconsent #noahcentineo #saoirseronan #oliviawilde #brandyklark #michelemeek #jacobelordi #amypoehler #sexualacts #virginity #elleevans #fertility #Humans
Happy 40th anniversary to New Order’s album, ‘Power, Corruption & Lies’. Released this week in 1983. #neworder #powercorruptionandlies #bluemonday #ageofconsent #confusion #thebeach #thieveslikeus #petersaville #factoryrecords
#neworder #powercorruptionandlies #BlueMonday #ageofconsent #confusion #thebeach #thieveslikeus #petersaville #FactoryRecords
RT @Heather_z860
Max Karson walks into the office of an Italian MP
Max: You need to raise your age of consent.
MP: Why?
Max: because 14 is too low.
MP: What makes you say that?
Max: It just fucking seems like it!!!
(Such Powerful Arguments 😀)
RT @Heather_Cozad
Plenty of countries set their #AgeOfConsent at 15 and everything is fine.
Letting teenagers control their own sex lives and pick their own partners does not unleash a torrent of abuse.
There is proof of this all around the world :-)
#ageofconsent #puritan #SexPhobia #hysteria
Plenty of countries set their #AgeOfConsent at 15 and everything is fine.
Letting teenagers control their own sex lives and pick their own partners does not unleash a torrent of abuse.
There is proof of this all around the world :-)
#ageofconsent #puritan #SexPhobia #hysteria #teens
Plenty of countries set their #AgeOfConsent at 15 and everything is fine.
Letting teenagers control their own sex lives and pick their own partners does not unleash a torrent of abuse.
There is proof of this all around the world :-)
#ageofconsent #puritan #sexphobia #hysteria #teens
Plenty of countries set their #AgeOfConsent at 15 and everything is fine.
Letting teenagers control their own sex lives and pick their own partners does not unleash a torrent of abuse.
There is proof of this all around the world :-)
#ageofconsent #puritan #SexPhobia #hysteria
Max Karson walks into the office of an Italian MP
Max: You need to raise your age of consent.
MP: Why?
Max: because 14 is too low.
MP: What makes you say that?
Max: It just fucking seems like it!!!
(Such Powerful Arguments 😀)
Max Karson walks into the office of an Italian MP
Max: You need to raise your age of consent.
MP: Why?
Max: because 14 is too low.
MP: What makes you say that?
Max: It just fucking seems like it!!!
(Such Powerful Arguments 😀)
Max Karson walks into the office of an Italian MP
Max: You need to raise your age of consent.
MP: Why?
Max: because 14 is too low.
MP: What makes you say that?
Max: It just fucking seems like it!!!
(Such Powerful Arguments 😀)
So-called ''Romeo and Juliet'' laws are a terrible idea. Here's why:
#Romeo #Juliet #RomeoAndJuliet #CloseInAgeExceptions #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #AgeGap #Teen #TeenSex
#romeo #juliet #romeoandjuliet #closeinageexceptions #ageofconsent #ageofconsentlaws #agegap #teen #teensex
So-called ''Romeo and Juliet'' laws are a terrible idea. Here's why:
#Romeo #Juliet #RomeoAndJuliet #CloseInAgeExceptions #AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #AgeGap #Teen #TeenSex
#romeo #juliet #romeoandjuliet #closeinageexceptions #ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #agegap #teen #teensex
Everyone should watch this video.
(btw: her "crime" harmed *no one*)
#AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#ageofconsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #ephebophilia #teens #teenagers #teensex #StopTheHysteria
Everyone should watch this video.
(btw: her "crime" harmed *no one*)
#AgeOfConsent #AgeOfConsentLaws #rights #Ephebophilia #Teens #Teenagers #TeenSex #StopTheHysteria
#ageofconsent #ageofconsentlaws #rights #ephebophilia #teens #teenagers #teensex #stopthehysteria