#InvasiveSpecies cost humans $423bn each year and threaten world’s #diversity
At least 3,500 harmful invasive species recorded in every region on Earth spread by #HumanActivity, says UN report
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/sep/04/invasive-species-cost-humans-423bn-each-year-and-threaten-worlds-diversity-aoe #Environment #AgeofExtinction
#ageofextinction #environment #humanactivity #diversity #invasivespecies
Rampant #heatwaves threaten #FoodSecurity of entire planet, scientists warn
After hottest day ever, researchers say #GlobalHeating may mean future of #CropFailures on land and ‘silent dying’ in the oceans
#ClimateCrisis #Environment #Food #Health #Sustainability #AgeofExtinction
#ageofextinction #sustainability #health #food #environment #climatecrisis #cropfailures #globalheating #foodsecurity #heatwaves
«The European Commission has proposed continent’s first #SoilLaw, intended 2 undo some o the damage done by intensive farming & mitigate #GlobalHeating.
Amid intense opposition 2 proposed laws on nature restoration & curbs on #pesticides, the #EuropeanCommission put forward proposals in #Brussels Wednesday 2 revive degraded soils. Research indicates this could help absorb #carbon from the atmosphere & ensure #SustainableFood production.»
#AgeOfExtinction #GlobalWarming
#soillaw #globalheating #pesticides #europeancommission #brussels #carbon #sustainablefood #ageofextinction #globalwarming
Marine Mammal Conservation & How Activists Saved the Dolphins https://bioneers.org/marine-mammal-conservation-how-activists-saved-the-dolphins-zmaz2306/ #RestoringEcosystems #endangeredspecies #ageofextinction #protectedareas #Biodiversity #Conservation #davephillips #habitatloss #oceans
#oceans #habitatloss #davephillips #conservation #biodiversity #ProtectedAreas #ageofextinction #endangeredspecies #RestoringEcosystems
If I had to write my #Intro all over again, it might read like this:
· I am a musician (but most people don’t really care).
· I am a COVID-cautious, COVID-conscious person (but most people don’t really care).
· I am scared what climate catastrophe will do to this planet (but most people don’t really care).
So yeah, that makes me pretty lonely.
Theoretically, I am glad that on social media, at least *some* people *do* care.
But social media is so fleeting, and being found and read is such a game of chance that is doesn’t really amount to much. Also, social media is driven by too much input and mostly way too superficial to really have a lasting impact.
I am still grateful for the four to seven people who react, reply, and support what I am doing. But seeing that it’s four to seven out of seven hundred isn’t all too encouraging.
🙏 to the four to seven, anyway.
#Music #Musician #Singer #MultiInstrumentalist #Composer #Lyricist #IndiePop #AltPop #Acoustic #NoAI #NoAutoTune
#COVID #COVID19 #SARSCoV2 #COVIDIsNotOver #LongCOVID #PostCOVID19Syndrome #PASC #ChronicCOVIDSyndrome #CSS #WearAMask #KeepYourDistance #CleanAir
#ClimateCatastrophe #AgeOfExtinction #ParisAccords #FridaysForFuture #LastGeneration
Daily Mail, “Return of the mask”: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-12024167/Expert-urges-public-wear-masks-public-transport-amid-Arcturus-Covid-fears.html
Umair Haque, “The Acceleration of the Age of Extinction”: https://eand.co/the-acceleration-of-the-age-of-extinction-3c387a49f601
The Guardian, “Record ocean temperatures put Earth in ‘uncharted territory’”: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/26/accelerating-ocean-warming-earth-temperatures-climate-crisis
#intro #music #musician #singer #MultiInstrumentalist #composer #lyricist #indiepop #altpop #acoustic #noai #noautotune #covid #covid19 #SarsCoV2 #CovidIsNotOver #LongCovid #postcovid19syndrome #PASC #chroniccovidsyndrome #css #WearAMask #keepyourdistance #cleanair #climatecatastrophe #ageofextinction #parisaccords #fridaysforfuture #lastgeneration
Eating #mackerel no longer #sustainable, #GoodFishGuide advises - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/apr/05/mackerel-loses-sustainable-status-as-overfishing-puts-species-at-risk
#environment #Ecology #AgeOfExtinction
#ageofextinction #ecology #environment #goodfishguide #sustainable #mackerel
When SS07 came out we didn't have Commander Class nor did we have so many different Generations sublines running at the same time.
If we were to get a redo or another shot at AOE/TLK Dinobots/Legendary Warriors, what class would you like to see them all in? Leader Class, Commander Class or Titan Class?
Image from the TFW2005 user Tuna kaan koc
#TransformersStudioSeries #AgeOfExtinction
#transformersstudioseries #ageofextinction
Wenn wir über künftigen Folgen der #Klimakatastrophe sprechen, ist damit nicht gemeint, dass etwas kaputt gegangen ist und jetzt repariert werden muss. Es geht um die schwindende Fähigkeit des Planeten und der natürlichen Systeme zur Regeneration, das Ende von Ressourcen, die nachlassende Kapazität, uns zu ernähren.
Nicht nur einzelne Arten sterben aus. Ganze Nahrungsketten gehen verloren. Riesige Regionen werden sich massiv verändern. Europa mitten drin.
#ageofextinction #savetheplanet #klimakatastrophe
While #Lynx populations in Europe are in danger of collapse, #Sweden starts annual lynx hunt:
"The lynx hunt in Sweden is taking place during the mating season when their fur is thickest, making it particularly attractive to hunters, said Marie Stegard Lind of #anti-hunting group Jaktkritikerna. “This is completely unnecessary – a pure trophy hunt,” #AgeOfExtinction #extinction #hunting
#lynx #sweden #anti #ageofextinction #extinction #hunting
Optimus: "You have no soul!"
Galvatron: "That is why I have no fear!"
I did the AoE thing like most folk done. 🙂 Galvatron's chest glow is real. Their eye glows are not. 🙂
TLK Voyager Optimus Prime.
Studio Series 90 Voyager Galvatron.
Both with added paint, labels, upgrades etc.
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #optimusprime #galvatron #ageofextinction
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #optimusprime #galvatron #ageofextinction
Optimus: "You have no soul!"
Galvatron: "That is why I have no fear!"
I did the AoE thing like most folk done. 🙂 Galvatron's chest glow is real. Their eye glows are not. 🙂
TLK Voyager Optimus Prime.
Studio Series 93 Voyager Galvatron.
Both with added paint, labels, upgrades etc.
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #optimusprime #galvatron #ageofextinction
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #optimusprime #galvatron #ageofextinction
In addition to the light kit I also bought some fillers for Galvatron's gappy forearms from AliExpress. Unlike previous kits I've bought, these were still on their sprue so required snipping and filing but that's easy enough. Those arms feel more solid and are more detailed now. :)
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #michaelbay #galvatron #ageofextinction
#transformers #studioseries #bayverse #actionfigures #toys #michaelbay #galvatron #ageofextinction
#StarTrek ‘s ‘Captain Kirk’, #WilliamShatner , feels “a terrible grief for our planet.” Read why ⬇️
#AgeOfExtinction #ClimateCrisis
#startrek #williamshatner #ageofextinction #climatecrisis
@KitOfNowhere well, it just began, and there are no results yet. The Guardian has a series about #COP15: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/series/the-road-to-kunming and more about #extinction here: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/series/the-age-of-extinction
#biodiversityloss #AgeOfExtinction #biodiversity
#biodiversity #ageofextinction #biodiversityloss #extinction #COP15
Baroque music is very well suited as a soundtrack for reading about the biodiversity crisis.
#ageofextinction #biodiversitycrisis #PhDThesisWriting
"#Humans v #nature: our long and destructive journey to the age of #extinction
The story of the #damage done to the world’s #biodiversity is a tale of #decline spanning thousands of years. Can the world seize its chance to #change the #narrative?" #longread by Phoebe Weston https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/25/cop15-humans-v-nature-our-long-and-destructive-journey-to-the-age-of-extinction-aoe #biodiversityloss #climateemergency #anthropocene #anthropocentric #earth #history #AgeOfExtinction #solutions #COP #ecology
#ecology #cop #solutions #ageofextinction #history #earth #anthropocentric #anthropocene #climateemergency #biodiversityloss #longread #narrative #change #decline #biodiversity #damage #extinction #nature #humans
#ageofextinction #humanhealth #cop15 has to work or all our efforts to deal with the #climatecrisis will be wasted
#climatecrisis #COP15 #HumanHealth #ageofextinction