Are there gamers out there who play #grandstrategy #games?
For example #victoria3 #crusaderkings3 or #4x like #ageofwonders4
#grandstrategy #games #Victoria3 #CrusaderKings3 #4x #ageofwonders4
#games Ideen fürs #wochenende?
Ansonsten versuche ich mich mal an #ageofwonders4 oder #Victoria3 :mastosunglasses:
#games #wochenende #ageofwonders4 #Victoria3 #pcgaming #aow4
A nice #blogpost on #AgeOfWonders4 by #GideonsGaming
Age of Wonders 4: Dragon Dawn Review - Gideon's Gaming
>Dragon Dawn further expands your options in Age of Wonders 4 with new Dragon Lords and dual affinity tomes.
#blogpost #ageofwonders4 #gideonsgaming #shareyourgames #gaming #blog #wordpress
Today will be less than engaging, but the show must go on. We're doing some Age of Wonders 4 to start, continuing the story realm 3! Streaming at
#AgeofWonders4 #furry #vtuber #twitch #AoW4 #stream #streaming #live #Livestream #streamer #TwitchStreamers
#ageofwonders4 #furry #vtuber #twitch #aow4 #stream #streaming #live #livestream #streamer #twitchstreamers
Everyone is psyched about #Diablo4 but I’ve been really pleased with #AgeOfWonders4.
Just an excellent blend of 4X strategy and RPG hero building in a format you can play for a multi-hour session or just squeeze in 20 minutes.
And I’m barely surviving on Easy mode!
Später wird es den zweiten Anlauf auf #twitch geben bei #AgeofWonders4 . Der erste war nach knapp 2,5 Stunden vorbei. Ich glaube aber einen kleinen Einblick bekommen zu haben wie das Spiel funktioniert.
Hab noch nie ein 4X Spiel gespielt und bin absoluter Anfänger. Was man leider an den Fragezeichen über meinem Kopf sieht :D
Gestern spontan #TalesOfArise und #AgeOfWonders4 gekauft. Beim ersten Anspielen machen beide auf jeden Fall Laune...
#gaming #ageofwonders4 #talesofarise
Age of Wonders 4 ist großartig. Und noch besser: Es läuft seit heute auch in #GeforceNow #ageofwonders4 #aow4
#geforcenow #ageofwonders4 #aow4
GFN Thursday: I giochi di maggio 2023 su GeForce Now
#AgeOfWonders4 #CloudGaming #GeForceNow #GFN #GFNThursday #Showgunners #TheLordoftheRings #TheLordoftheRingsGollum #TinHearts
#ageofwonders4 #cloudGaming #geforcenow #GFN #GFNThursday #showgunners #thelordoftherings #thelordoftheringsgollum #tinhearts
Fantasy 4X sequel Age Of Wonders 4 is out now - #Strategy:Turn-BasedStrategy #MultiplayerCompetitive #ParadoxInteractive #TriumphStudios #XboxSeriesX/S #AgeofWonders4 #SinglePlayer #Strategy #PS5 #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #ps5 #singleplayer #ageofwonders4 #XboxSeriesX #triumphstudios #paradoxinteractive #multiplayercompetitive #strategy
Noch schell #ageofwonders4 vorbestellt und morgen kanns dann losgehen. Das kann ich nach der anstrengenden letzten Woche auch wirklich gebrauchen.
A post by #GideonsGaming about #AgeOfWonders4
Age of Wonders 4 Review - Gideon's Gaming
>Age of Wonders 4 expands upon its stellar 4X gameplay by allowing you to create your own factions from scratch.
#gideonsgaming #ageofwonders4 #shareyourgames #gaming #blog #review
Age Of Wonders 4 review: a plain good magical strategy that hasn't really turned me either way - #Strategy:Turn-BasedStrategy #Strategy:GrandStrategy/4X #ParadoxDevelopmentStudio #MultiplayerCompetitive #ParadoxInteractive #TriumphStudios #RPG:Turn-based #AgeofWonders4 #XboxSeriesX/S #SinglePlayer #WotIThink #Strategy #RPG #PS5 #PC
#pc #ps5 #wotithink #singleplayer #XboxSeriesX #ageofwonders4 #rpg #triumphstudios #paradoxinteractive #multiplayercompetitive #paradoxdevelopmentstudio #strategy
¡Buenas tardes! He recopilado lo que se sabe del juego de estrategia Age of Wonders 4, que sale en mayo.
#AgeofWonders4 #videojuegos
As much as I've enjoyed #AgeOfWondersPlanetfall I've never actually played one of the mainline titles. #AgeOfWonders4 has got me intrigued
#ageofwondersplanetfall #ageofwonders4 #paradoxannouncement2023
Age Of Wonders 4 is 4X fantasy with the scope and breadth of a D&D; RPG - #ParadoxInteractive #TriumphStudios #AgeofWonders4 #Interview #Strategy #Preview #Fantasy
#fantasy #preview #strategy #interview #ageofwonders4 #triumphstudios #paradoxinteractive
After seeing that #ageofwonders4 was announced last week, I have become more hyped for any unreleased game than I’ve been since Mass Effect 3.
Good god that debacle traumatized me so much it’s taken me a decade to finally recover.
Age of Wonders 4 has been announced!
The Age of Wonders series has a special place in my heart, and I'm thrilled to see what new adventures and strategies the fourth installment has in store.
I love the mix of fantasy and strategy in the Age of Wonders games. I'm looking forward to building my empire and exploring a rich, fantastical world.
I can't wait to see what new wonders await in Age of Wonders 4!
#gaming #aow4 #turnbased #4xstrategy #ageofwonders4
Age of Wonders 4: Fantasy-Strategiespielreihe kehrt am 2. Mai 2023 auf Xbox Series X|S zurück – Trailer
#Xbox #InsideXboxDE #AgeofWonders4 #Repost
#xbox #insidexboxde #ageofwonders4 #repost