Congratulations to, Two Bulls/DEPT® and Uniting AgeWell who have received a grant from the Aged Care Research and Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) for the Dossy Project – Community Connect, a unique video app that connects families and their loved ones in aged care in an intuitive, meaningful way and reduces social isolation in aged care.

#agedcare #agedcareaustralia #innovation #socialisolation #socialimpact #grants #careaboutagedcare #agewell

Last updated 2 years ago

Stella Fosse · @stella
31 followers · 68 posts · Server

My end-of-year newsletter features previews of upcoming blog topics including the monetization of grey hair, the badly named "Obesity Paradox," and the advent of the menopause gold rush. When we said we wanted companies to pay attention, exploitation was not what we had in mind.

#womenempoweringwomen #agepowerfully #agewell #cronewisdom #womenpastmidlife #renegadewomen

Last updated 2 years ago