Shavua tov!
So finally I finished the whole book as my #ShabbatReading. It’s really good. I recommend anyone who is interested in how #Halacha fits into Progressive/Reform/Liberal #Judaism. I found his argument very persuasive.
#Babka #Mazeldon #Jewdiverse #ShavuaTov #JewiahLaw #Theology #Aggadah
#shabbatreading #halacha #judaism #babka #mazeldon #jewdiverse #shavuatov #jewiahlaw #theology #aggadah
This is my #ShabbatReading.
“During the same period when the Church Fathers were drawing a razor-sharp distinction between correct doctrine and heresy, while taking a Paulinian, antinomian vote about matters of law, the Rabbis were defining with the utmost precision what constitutes correct action, while permitting virtually unrestricted freedom of speculation in theology.”
- Rayner, 1998, Jewish Religious Law: A Progressive Perspective, p. 29
#shabbatreading #judaism #halachah #aggadah #mazeldon #babka