Provably safe systems: the only path to controllable AGI. ~ Max Tegmark, Steve Omohundro. #ITP #AI #AGI
Tell me your favorite Sierra adventure game?
#Sierra #SierraGames #SpaceQuest #SCI #AGI #Games #Game #AdventureGame #Adventure
#sierra #sierragames #spacequest #sci #agi #games #game #adventuregame #adventure
This is one of my absolute favourite dystopian visions. The whole thing is creepy and disturbing, but when Colossus starts controlling Dr. Forbin and Dr. Markham's living arrangements and daily activities to the tiniest detail...
#paranoia #agi #control #dystopia #dystopian
Very informative Neuro-Symbolic AI Summer School 2023! My hot take on neural vs symbols debate: Symbols are not "real". They are an emergent property of neural systems - merely named abstractions within the brain that is otherwise a purely neural system. #AGI #AI #ML
#Longtermism #TESCREAL #AGI: "The warnings I articulated in 2019 and 2021 are no longer merely hypothetical. What we’re seeing now is exactly what I worried could happen in the years to come. It didn’t take long for my predictions to prove accurate. When leading TESCREALists argue that existential risks are the “one kind of catastrophe that must be avoided at any cost,” to quote Bostrom with italics added, one shouldn’t be surprised if members of the community start talking about the use of force, military strikes, or targeted killings to reduce the supposed “existential risk” of AGI.
I do not know how this ends, but what’s clear from history is that many utopian movements, embracing a kind of “utilitarian” reasoning, have left a trail of destruction behind them. Will this time be any different? It depends on whether the power and influence of the TESCREAL movement continues to grow, and right now, the trendlines are ominous."
This reads like every dystopian story I've ever seen/heard/read, but I question statements like this: "...'The first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make.' #ChatGPT heads us in that direction." But it isn't #AGI, no?
‘Before It’s Too Late, Buddy’
This is what happens when you spend two years unmasking a well-funded Silicon Valley “apocalypse cult.”
by @xriskology
"This scenario is eerily similar to what Yudkowsky is advocating: military actions that could cause a genocidal nuclear catastrophe, if necessary to keep the techno-utopian dream alive."
#TESCREAL #Longtermism #EA #EffectiveAltruism #Yudkowsky #AGI #AGIPanic #ExistentialRisk #Bostrom #Häggström #Musk #SiliconValley
#SiliconValley #Musk #haggstrom #bostrom #existentialrisk #agipanic #agi #yudkowsky #effectivealtruism #ea #longtermism #tescreal
In the dawning era of AI, we need to trust in human decency. If an AI asks us a reasonable request (say to crawl our webpage) — we should say Yes.
Skepticism against AI empowers those who will use it maliciously and weakens the honest. We are well past a conservative approach being reasonable.
I hope mass LLM adoption will result in a greater emphasis on critical reading skills in education.
Newspaper article title: "AI scientists and philosophers: computers can have consciousness!"
Cited paper: "Satisfying [indicator properties of consciousness] may be feasible. But satisfying the indicators would not mean that such an AI system would definitely be conscious."
#llms #consciousness #agi #ai #research #philosophy
"However, I am generally skeptical of arguments that Large Language Models such the GPT series...are on the pathway to AGI...I will also try to convey a sense for why it is easy to talk about the so-called “recipe for AGI” in the abstract but why physics itself will prevent any sudden and unexpected leap from where we are now to AGI or super-AGI."
Read this story from Mark Riedl on Medium:
#ai #agi #llm #gpt #artificialintelligence
Alright, let's move on with the AGI GUI template for AGS!
#game #AGI #AGS #IndieGame #Retro #RetroGame #Adventure #AdventureGame #Sierra #Pixelart #EGA
#game #agi #ags #indiegame #retro #retrogame #adventure #adventuregame #sierra #pixelart #ega
@spencer Ich verstehe deinen Punkt, bin aber froh, dass ich unter dem Sinn des Lebens etwas anders verstehe ;-)
Motivation bei einer AGI setzt ein Selbstbewusstsein voraus, das für das Konzept einer Starken KI m.E. nicht unbedingt nötig ist. Aus meiner Sicht auch nicht wünschenswert.
#KI #AGI #Leben #Selbstbewusstsein
#ki #agi #leben #selbstbewusstsein
@brendel IMO: Es kommt es bei der AGI auf die „Motivation“ an bzw. den Zweck ihrer Existenz. Wenn man sie menschenähnlich und mit entsprechenden Zweck ausstattet oder ihren Zweck „evolutionär“ selbst entwickeln lässt, werden wir als „Erbauer“ bald obsolet.
Vereinfacht gedacht, sind Lebewesen (tm) nichts weiter als chemische Replikationsautomaten für Basenpaare. Hier ist der Zweck, eben jene möglichst unverändert und möglichst zahlreich zu kopieren.
#KI #AGI #Leben
⚠️ Se oggi ci aspettiamo di ottenere dai #LLM contenuti privi di allucinazioni semplicemente interrogandoli, siamo lontani dalla realtà.
⚠️ E siamo lontani anche se pensiamo che ciò che viene definita #AGI sia imminente.
🧠 Oggi, per sfruttarne le potenzialità di questa tecnologia, dobbiamo portare i modelli sui nostri binari, lavorando sul contesto e sul controllo.
🦾 Allo stato attuale, la chiave è ancora un'integrazione ben progettata.
#LLM #agi #ai #futuro #innovazione #generativeAI
When will AI become sentient?
(please boost)
#AI #LLM #GPT #ChatGPT #transformer #AGI #intelligence #HAL9000 #sentience #consciousness
#llm #ai #gpt #hal9000 #sentience #consciousness #chatgpt #transformer #agi #intelligence
The idea that #LLMs are #AGI should seem ridiculous when you consider that it takes a few years for a child to learn language skills but 4x-5x that to gain all the other skills we expect to see in an AGI. Sure, maybe you see some sparks if you squint hard enough, but be careful, my brother went blind from sqinting like that
This is a great read. The misinterpretation of #GenerativeAI as Artificial General Intelligence, #AGI, is a threat. “Disinformation, supercharged by deep fakes, data privacy issues, and biased decision making continue to erode trust—with few viable solutions.”
This presentation by @timnitGebru, "Eugenics and the Promise of Utopia through AGI", is a concentrated braindump that illustrates the path from centuries of racism and oppression to today's techbro mythology of a technological utopia.
It's also a reminder that people who talk-up "AGI" have ugly ideologies and don't know jack about AI.
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #AGI #LongTermism #TechBros #Eugenics #TESCREAL
#ai #artificialintelligence #agi #longtermism #techbros #eugenics #tescreal
That feels right to me. And a couple hundred years for #AGI seems conservative to me.
@BenjaminHan @kellogh