Agile was born with the #AgileManifestoOfSoftwareDevelopment, of course.
Soon afterwards, #agile became #scrum. From then on, it only got worse. #Agile became a ‘training’ thing.
But ‘agility’ (just as actual #lean or #quality) is and must be a different theory about how to design and organize work and value creation. It requires re-thinking organization – and put #management thinking on the garbage heap of history.
#Training or #certification or #agilecoaching won’t help people rethink organizational theory.
The #Agile movement avoided the theory problem. That’s why it has been so popular and also why it failed, utterly and completely.
#agilemanifestoofsoftwaredevelopment #agile #scrum #Lean #quality #management #training #certification #agilecoaching #aic #leanmanagement #totalqualitymanagement #betacodex