Here is a #Medium article that addresses #projectmanagement and #agileprojectmanagement methodologies on #datascience projects, i.e., use #agile. It is similar to one I read recently, which suggested agile because with data science many are on a #learningcurve, and the probability of #project #risks being realized is high.
It skipped over the importance of understanding early on what you want from the analysis (i.e. first time right #requirements). #worthreading
#worthreading #requirements #risks #project #learningCurve #agile #datascience #agileprojectmanagement #projectmanagement #medium
"Agile and machine learning is a match made in heaven."
Here is a noteworthy #Medium post on the benefits of using an #agileprojectmanagement approach when implementing #artificialintelliegence and #machinelearning based projects. #Agile is well suited to #AI projects due to high licensing costs and #implementation risks.
The other valuable insight is its description of the agile contract management method.
IMHO worth a read -
#implementation #ai #agile #machinelearning #artificialintelliegence #agileprojectmanagement #medium
Ready to conquer challenges with distributed teams on complex projects? 💪
Our latest blog article explores agile methodologies using 5 agile boards with OpenProject:
#openproject #opensource #projectmanagement #agileprojectmanagement #distributedteams #digitalboards #collaboration
#openproject #opensource #projectmanagement #agileprojectmanagement #distributedteams #digitalboards #collaboration
It's time to break the cycle of ineffective #Agile implementation in the workplace. Check out our new blog post for tips on how to get it right!
#agileprojectmanagement #workplace
#agile #agileprojectmanagement #workplace
If you're a Medium subscriber, here's a solid article about the value of managing #scope on a #project. Some of the points the author makes are obvious, if you have gone through the #PMI #PMP process. Still it's a good refresher on skills that you can bring to the job to avoid pitfalls for both you and your #stakeholders. #agileprojectmanagement #projectmanagment #scopemanagement
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#scopemanagement #projectmanagment #agileprojectmanagement #stakeholders #pmp #pmi #project #scope
Top 13 Agile Interview Questions and Answers
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#agileprojectmanagement #agile #interview #agilemethodologies #agilescrum #agilesoftwaredevelopment #agiledevelopment #agiletesting #softwaretesting #testing #software #softwaretester #softwaretesters #softwaresolutions #softwaredevelopment
#agileprojectmanagement #agile #interview #agilemethodologies #agilescrum #agilesoftwaredevelopment #agiledevelopment #agiletesting #softwaretesting #testing #software #SoftwareTester #softwaretesters #softwaresolutions #softwaredevelopment
What is the Agile Model in Software Engineering?
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#softwaredevelopment #sdlc #software #softwareengineering #softwareengineer #softwaretester #softwaretesting #agile #agilesoftwaredevelopment #agileprojectmanagement #agilemethodologies #agiledevelopment #agilescrum #agileworking
#softwaredevelopment #sdlc #software #softwareengineering #softwareengineer #SoftwareTester #softwaretesting #agile #agilesoftwaredevelopment #agileprojectmanagement #agilemethodologies #agiledevelopment #agilescrum #agileworking
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology /
To make sure your project does not spin out of control, you have to make healthy project management a priority. - #projectmanagement #agileprojectmanagement
#projectmanagement #agileprojectmanagement
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Learn Any Technology /
In the article below, you’ll be able to see him expand on both. He also shared 3 tools that are an absolute must-have. - #agileprojectmanagement #projectmanagement
#agileprojectmanagement #projectmanagement