Agile Testing Days (
How to speak at conferences?
This session is about understanding the process of public speaking at tech conferences, from the call for papers all the way to the follow-up after the conference is over.
Agile Testing Days (
RT @trendigcomp: The #AgileTD Open Air #CallforPapers is OPEN! 🙌
Get your brain set, and prepare a paper for one of these hot topics:
AI &…
Agile Testing Days (
Please welcome to our program committee! You have time until September 17th to submit your paper for the #AgileTD Open Air 2024! Check our page to apply!
@heather_reiduff @mcruzdrake @Laveena_18 @RisiCraig
Agile Testing Days (
Get your pencils ready. The #AgileTD Open Air 2024 #CallforPapers is open! You have time until September 17th to submit your brilliant ideas!
Tag a friend who might be interested 🦄
Agile Testing Days (
How to speak at conferences?
This session is about understanding the process of public speaking at tech conferences, from the call for papers all the way to the follow-up after the conference is over.
Agile Testing Days (
RT @jrosaproenca: #AgileTD Open Air traveling to the south! 😉
By the way, there’s a CfP open right now for next years edition! https://t.c…
Agile Testing Days (
The #AgileTD Open Air 2024 is the MUST-ATTEND conference for software testing in Europe! Become part of this testival, and submit your proposal for talks, workshops, or social events now!
The #CallforPapers is open until September 17th, 2023.
Agile Testing Days (
Tell us YOUR STORY! 🎙
We encourage YOU to send a paper.
Share the stage with speakers from all around the world.
Submit your papers for #AgileTD until September 17th, 2023 and become an #AgileTD Open Air speaker!
Agile Testing Days (
The #AgileTD Open Air #CallforPapers is OPEN! 🙌
Get your brain set, and prepare a paper for one of these hot topics:
AI & Robotics in Testing, Machine Learning, Ethics in Tech, Conscious Leadership, Sustainability Testing and Accessibilty Testing!
Agile Testing Days (
Our #AgileTD conference is open for you to tell your stories, help you in your career, and give you the space you need to express yourself. The #CallForPapers for our Open Air edition is open, submit your work!
@AgileTDZone #agiletd @the_qa_guy
Is there a non-twitter communication channel to find people for activities and stuff?
I assume it will be some slack channel at
I sorted out the easy part of my #AgileTD conference participation: Train tickets are booked, speaker registration is done.
Now the hard questions are due: Which outfits will I wear? What costume will I choose for the "90ies party"?
I love this conference so much and being able to participate actively with a talk and workshop makes me so happy!
If you're interested in #agile, #Testing or #software and want to attend a great #conference check out
I've got a discount code!
#agiletd #agile #testing #software #conference
I understand.
I will be at my first #AgileTD this year, I hope to see you there
My dear friends @alex_schl and @MlleSophiePofie are delivering a keynote on conflict at Agile Testing Days this year.
They need your input, so if you have time to answer three questions please do so here:
Boosts appreciated!
#agiletd #testing #conference #conflict
My wife just booked the perfect remedy against post conference blues for #AgileTD. On the weekend after #AgileTD the band "Heavysaurus" plays in our city and we'll go to the concert with the kids 🤘
Who wouldn't want to see dinosaurs play rock and metal?
#parenting #music #FirstConcert
#agiletd #parenting #music #firstconcert
📣 @chrissbaumann and me will deliver a completely new workshop on "How to Untangle Your Spaghetti Test Code" at #AgileTD in Potsdam 🤩
Really happy that this got accepted as I'm really looking forward to work with Christian on our common passion!
📣 @chrissbaumann and me will deliver a completely new workshop on "How to Untangle Your Spaghetti Test Code" at #AgileTD in Potsdam 🤩
Really happy that this got accepted as I'm really looking forward to work with Christian on our common passion!
I'm very pleased to announce that I'll be part of the #AgileTD "conference within a conference" experience.