I hate it when I put on my pants from yesterday and realize they were inside out all day. 🙄 #aginggracefully
The anti-aging reality: Separating fact from fiction in skincare
#AgingGracefully #RealisticSkincare #MarketingHype
Fayne Frey is a dermatologist.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#aginggracefully #realisticskincare #marketinghype
Personal reinvention as a longevity skillset
[New Essay] In terms of ever-increasing lifespans, what does it mean to “find your tribe” at 55? https://strong99.substack.com/p/personal-reinvention-as-a-longevity-skillset
#aginggracefully #longevity #thrivinglonger #strong99 #purposeandmeaning #relationships #growthmindset #resilience #HealthyAging #thrivinginlife
An 'antique' display in a Korean restaurant. I'm now feeling my age. 😂🫠
So, @American_Girl@twitter.com has a line of dolls based on important historical times and places. They added two dolls from 1999 and all I can say is "No Thank You". I refused to have a "historical doll" in my house from when I was in High School.
RT @RedWallPro@twitter.com
Got staffed! Can’t reveal the show yet. My first job as a tv writer! I’m 56 years old.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RedWallPro/status/1616983374970908673
#igotastorytotell #aginggracefully #itgetsgreaterlater #screenwriter #tvwriter
I'll be taking notes to summarize each day of my 10-day fast that includes 2 coffees (one bulletproof & one black, both with sweetener) & Redmond Re-Lyte with water during the day.
Day 1 Summary (see photo):
#fatforfuel #autophagy #ketogeniclifestyle #alternatedayfasting #eatfattolosefat #hflc #ketogenic #ketosis #keto #sleep #aginggracefully #intermittentfasting #carnivorediet #fasting #guthealth #ayurveda #aging #longevity #selfcare #adhd #mentalhealth #writing #writingcommunity
#fatforfuel #autophagy #ketogeniclifestyle #alternatedayfasting #eatfattolosefat #hflc #ketogenic #ketosis #keto #sleep #aginggracefully #intermittentfasting #carnivorediet #fasting #guthealth #ayurveda #aging #longevity #selfcare #adhd #mentalhealth #writing #writingcommunity
Taking 2 drops per day of Lugol's #Iodine mixture to keep my #thyroid healthy while fasting and minimizing #cortisol with a small amount of butter each day = Priceless.
#fatforfuel #autophagy #ketogeniclifestyle #alternatedayfasting #eatfattolosefat #hflc #ketogenic #ketosis #keto #sleep #aginggracefully #intermittentfasting #carnivorediet #fasting #guthealth #ayurveda #aging #longevity #selfcare #adhd #mentalhealth #writing #writingcommuity
#Iodine #thyroid #Cortisol #fatforfuel #autophagy #ketogeniclifestyle #alternatedayfasting #eatfattolosefat #hflc #ketogenic #ketosis #keto #sleep #aginggracefully #intermittentfasting #carnivorediet #fasting #guthealth #ayurveda #aging #longevity #selfcare #adhd #mentalhealth #writing #writingcommuity
...and so it begins! My very first 10-day fast with daily #electrolytes to keep energy sustained.
#fatforfuel #autophagy #ketogeniclifestyle #alternatedayfasting #eatfattolosefat #hflc #ketogenic #ketosis #keto #sleep #aginggracefully #intermittentfasting #carnivorediet #fasting #guthealth #ayurveda #aging #longevity #selfcare #adhd #mentalhealth #writing #writingcommuity
#electrolytes #fatforfuel #autophagy #ketogeniclifestyle #alternatedayfasting #eatfattolosefat #hflc #ketogenic #ketosis #keto #sleep #aginggracefully #intermittentfasting #carnivorediet #fasting #guthealth #ayurveda #aging #longevity #selfcare #adhd #mentalhealth #writing #writingcommuity
It’s the Coolest Rock Show in Ann Arbor. And Almost Everyone There Is Over 65.
At the “Geezer Happy Hour,” the “silver tsunami” has been dancing for decades.
#aginggracefully #rockon #ageisjustanumber
@atomicpoet She looks stunning in that revealing dress. #jamieleecurtis #WomanAt60+ #AgingGracefully
#aginggracefully #womanat60 #jamieleecurtis
Why companionship is crucial in elderly care
As a healthcare professional, it's important to be able to offer more than just medical treatment to our patients. Sometimes, all they need is someone to be present with them and listen to their concerns.
Farid Alsabeh is a psychotherapist.
Listen here: https://kevinmd.com/podcast
#companionship #elderlycare #patientcare #healthcare #listening #support #socialconnection #aginggracefully
#companionship #elderlycare #patientcare #healthcare #listening #support #socialconnection #aginggracefully
This old trident doesn't have much time, but he's here for me this fine morning just doing his job as he has for 150 years or more!
#southmountain #saguaro #aginggracefully
#aginggracefully #saguaro #southmountain
This old trident doesn't have much time, but he's here for me this fine morning just doing his job as he has for 150 years or more!
#southmountain #saguaro #aginggracefully
#aginggracefully #saguaro #southmountain
i made a principled decision to stop coloring my grays... but only after one last hurrah at passing for youthful (and avoiding comments) at a family event in February. i'm oddly impatient to claim this new freedom now that i'm committed! #AgingGracefully
Today's reminder to take the time to find joy and adventure. Take the chance because the memories last forever.
“Old enough to know better and young enough to want to do it anyway.”
Stormy Glenn, Alpha Born
#motorcycles #photography #AgingGracefully #quotes
#quotes #aginggracefully #photography #motorcycles
"The silvered glamour of the Woman of the Winter Moon may be woman in her greatest power, woman in her guise as Elemental, as Force of Nature. This is woman to be revered.”
Elizabeth S. Eiler Ph.D., Singing Woman: Voices of the Sacred Feminine
#photography #AgingGracefully #quotes
#quotes #aginggracefully #photography
You know you're over 30 when your idea of a perfect date night is staying in and watching Iron Chef. #aginggracefully #ironchef