The homes of older adults with functional limitations tended to be cluttered and dark, exacerbating their difficulties. #AginginPlace #NICHDImpact
Here's another snipped from my great conversation with Nancy Schwartz about a range of topics related to #healthtech and #aginginplace. You can watch the entire conversation here:
#healthtech #aginginplace #medication #adherence #agetech #seniors
Here's another excerpt from the great conversation I had with Nancy Schwartz about a range of topics related to #healthtech and #aginginplace. You can watch the entire conversation here:
I had a great conversation with Nancy Schwartz on her Envision #Healthy #Retirement #podcast where we talked about how #healthtech can support #seniors #aginginplace, as well as their #family and #caregivers.
#healthy #retirement #podcast #healthtech #seniors #aginginplace #family #caregivers
anyone know of companies working on this problem?
I don't know of any software ("MDM for seniors"), consulting ("MSP for seniors"), or membership/mailing list (a quarterly "AARP Tech Recommendations" with the changes in these comments - "Hand this flyer to your kids or grandkids").
arguably #AARP would be the ideal distributor, and maybe the only way to get the CAC and price low enough.
Really interesting article about the need for #UniversalDesign to support #AgingInPlace
Of course, anything that makes #accessibility easier is good for all of us - but especially the disabled community
#universaldesign #aginginplace #accessibility
Reducing Home Hazards Cuts Seniors' Risk of #Falling
Five steps can cut the risk of falls by 26%, the researchers reported in the March 10 issue of the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Those steps are: decluttering; reducing tripping hazards; improving lighting; and adding hand rails and non-slip strips to stairs. #aging #AgingInPlace #FallPrevention
#falling #aging #aginginplace #fallprevention
RT @HealthCities
By 2035, 25% of Canadians will be over 65. @MEDTEQ_CA and @AGEWELL_NCE just launched @envis_age an initiative to help older adults and care givers utilize technology to age in communities. π #AgeTech #AgingInPlace
Learn more:
New publication: #Frailty index and nutrition risk predict #falls and #ED visits in #MealsOnWheels Clients better than either measure alone.
#aginginplace #oaa #olderamericansact #MealsOnWheels #ed #falls #frailty
I am trying to find examples of #grassroots, community led, responses to #aging and #AgingInPlace
Does anyone have any examples of groups or communities who took this on in Canada, United States, New Zealand, or Australia?
And by this - I mean #Caregivers, #Seniors, and other concerned local citizens leading the charge to change - who said LTC won't cut it, we want our community to change how we support our #elders.
Let me know #fediverse. I'm doing some research!
Please retoot!
#grassroots #aging #aginginplace #caregivers #seniors #elders #fediverse
A Village in Taos doing it right
#cvillevillage #seniors #aginginplace
#villages #villagemovement #cvillevillage #seniors #aginginplace
The homes of older adults with functional limitations tended to be cluttered and dark, exacerbating their difficulties.
#aginginplace #NICHDimpact #aging
This feels so decadent to me - As I get older and live alone with my 78 yo mom and I'm not exactly the strongest physically trying to lift those 5 gallons bottles to perch on top of the dispenser (we live in an area with hard water of questionable quality and safety and I can't afford a whole reverse osmosis- soft water system) I need water delivery without the hardship of lifting huge bottles.. enter.. AquaBarista (water bottle on the bottom!) #water #aginginplace
Always nice to see our research extended through reporting.
#AgingInPlace #PollonHealthyAging #Geriatrics #seniors #ConsumerReports #UMichNursing #GoBlue
#GoBlue #umichnursing #ConsumerReports #seniors #geriatrics #pollonhealthyaging #aginginplace