A friend recommended this book and the associated website Feisty Menopause https://www.feistymenopause.com/ a few months ago and I'm changing a lot of my eating and exercise habits because of what I'm learning about diet and exercise in menopause. I'm starting to eat a lot more protein and also starting to lift weights to help with retaining muscle strength. Did a long bike ride today and feel stronger. It's crazy to me doctors don't seem to know anything about this. #Menopause #Exercise #AgingWell
#menopause #exercise #agingwell
Medium Day is rapidly approaching. This all-day virtual conference, Saturday, August 12, will feature presentations by a select group of @medium contributors covering myriad topics.
#lgbtq #comingout #agingwell #mediumday #virtualconference
Ageist language is real and it’s not good..
#aging #ageism #ageisjustanumber #agingpopulation #agingparents #agingindependently #agingwell
#aging #ageism #ageisjustanumber #agingpopulation #agingparents #agingindependently #agingwell
Ok everyone! #GoodMorning First up today is @nathanlovestrees latest.
What Makes #Life Good?
#goodmorning #life #medium #taoism #aging #agingwell #death #transformation
#AgingWell A #SmallTreasure - excellent #gift for #elders Link to amazon
#agingwell #smalltreasure #gift #elders
#Rejuvenate New cover and title for a gift book, a #SmallTreasure on #AgingWell Link to book on Amazon:
#rejuvenate #smalltreasure #agingwell
My adaptation for distraction. "What was I doing, again?"
In case no English teacher ever drummed this into your head: Active verbs (he sits on his ass; he runs) are “more direct and vigorous,” as Strunk & White put it in "The Elements of Style," than passive verbs (he is sitting on his ass; he is running). Same goes with getting older: Active is way better than passive. That's the topic of this week's version of my Age Wise newsletter on Substack: