Treat with brexpiprazole
A first antipsychotic
FDA fast-tracks the drug
Dementia response
#dementia #brexpiprazole #antipsychotic #fda #agitation #cinquain #poetry
#dementia #brexpiprazole #antipsychotic #fda #agitation #cinquain #poetry
#agitation : the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular action
- French: agitation
- German: die Aufregung
- Italian: agitazione
- Portuguese: agotação
- Spanish: agitación
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A quotation from Wilde, Oscar:
What is said by great employers of labor against agitators is unquestionably true. Agitators are a set of interfering, meddling people, who come down to some perfectly contented class of the community and sow the seeds of discontent amongst them. That is the reason why agitators are so absolutely necessary. Without them, in o…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #agitation #agitator #change #meme
#quote #quotes #quotation #agitation #agitator #Change #meme
I've been taking #Paxlovid #antivirals to treat #COVID19Aus for 3 days now and had constant #nausea #diarrhoea and #metallicmouth. Also, I am experiencing #agitation and #sleepdeprivation to the point where I feel I must stop as it's affecting my quality of life. (Not against #antivirals at all, but maybe they're not for me.) #Australia :nkoSleep:
#Australia #sleepdeprivation #agitation #metallicmouth #diarrhoea #nausea #COVID19Aus #antivirals #Paxlovid
I've been taking #Paxlovid #antivirals to treat #COVID19Aus for 3 days now and had constant #nausea #diarrhoea and #metallicmouth. Also, I am experiencing #agitation and #sleepdeprivation to the point where I feel I must stop as it's affecting my quality of life. (Not against #antivirals at all, but maybe they're not for me.) #Australia :nkoSleep:
#Australia #sleepdeprivation #agitation #metallicmouth #diarrhoea #nausea #COVID19Aus #antivirals #Paxlovid
Low-Dose Oral Film Reduces Mental Disorder Agitation
Interim results from a clinical trial show a drug given as a dissolvable oral film in a lower #dose reduces #agitation in people with #bipolar disorder and #schizophrenia.
#News #Science #Business #ClinicalTrial #MentalHealth #BipolarDisorder #Chemistry #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence #Algorithms
#dose #agitation #bipolar #schizophrenia #News #science #business #ClinicalTrial #mentalhealth #bipolardisorder #chemistry #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #algorithms
The #May1stActionNetwork march on Sunday with our comrades @lucyparsonscent @_mass_struggle #MassFeministStruggleCommittee #BrandeisLeftistUnion @baystatejbgc #JerichoBoston and #ProvidenceRevolutionaryStudyGroup was a blast despite the crappy weather. We showed the rain we couldn’t be bothered and met new comrades anyway.
“Working Women give them Hell! It is right to rebel!”
#MayDay #socialism #anarchism #leftism #agitation #ClassStruggle
#may1stactionnetwork #massfeministstrugglecommittee #brandeisleftistunion #jerichoboston #providencerevolutionarystudygroup #mayday #socialism #anarchism #leftism #agitation #classstruggle
Mai Dantsig, 'Lenin's >Spark<' (1969)
#art #revolutionary #press #workers #movement #proletarian #RussianEmpire #Russian #revolution #communism #socialism #socialdemocracy #painting #agitation #propaganda #Marxism
#art #Revolutionary #press #workers #movement #proletarian #russianempire #russian #Revolution #communism #socialism #socialdemocracy #painting #agitation #propaganda #marxism
"Dass "unsere" #Polizei ein Problem mit politischer Neutralität hat, ist seit 1920 kein Geheimnis gewesen, aber mit #Agitation vom "Freund und Helfer" nach vielen #Polizeitoten überdeckt worden.
Jetzt will die #Polizei #Berlin fein zwischen "#Schmerzen zufügen" & #Folter unterschieden haben, denn sie hat ja das #Gewaltmonopol" ...
Guter Beitrag, aber bei deinem Nazivergleich musste ich aber dann doch ein wenig schlucken!
@Anikke @oliver
#polizei #agitation #polizeitoten #berlin #schmerzen #folter #gewaltmonopol
Dass "unsere" #Polizei ein Problem mit politischer Neutralität hat, ist seit 1920 kein Geheimnis gewesen, aber mit #Agitation vom "Freund und Helfer" nach vielen #Polizeitoten überdeckt worden.
Jetzt will die #Polizei #Berlin fein zwischen "#Schmerzen zufügen" & #Folter unterschieden haben, denn sie hat ja das #Gewaltmonopol. Nicht wie in der #Nazizeit, wo auch #SA und #SS Gewalt ausüben durften ...
Vater, zuerst noch #SA, hatte #Polizeiangst
#polizeiangst #ss #sa #Nazizeit #gewaltmonopol #folter #schmerzen #berlin #polizeitoten #agitation #polizei
Ist das noch eine BMDV - #Information oder schon FDP- #Propaganda ?
Zu unterschlagen, dass die Realisierung dieser Zahlen nach menschlichem Ermessen der Todesstoß gegen unser Überleben ist, liegt auf dem Niveau eines Donald #Trump .
Und dass die #FDP die #Grunen zur Einordnung dieser Halbwahrheiten zwingen will, ist mehr als durchsichtig:
Die #Agitation , die Grünen wollten "uns unsere Urlaube verbieten", wartet bei den Agenturen garantiert schon auf Freigabe.
#information #propaganda #trump #fdp #grunen #agitation
Who is in the #Chicago area that would like to work with me on #agitation and #education? #iww
#iww #education #agitation #chicago
#agitation : the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular action
- French: agitation
- German: die Aufregung
- Italian: agitazione
- Portuguese: agotação
- Spanish: agitación
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New blog post, here:
#ReadTheStain #writer #blogger #coach #psychology #spirituality #mentalhealth #mindfulness #mood #agitation #change #adaptability #acceptance #resilience #freedom #flow #life #impermanence #peace #letgo
#readthestain #writer #blogger #coach #psychology #spirituality #mentalhealth #mindfulness #mood #agitation #change #adaptability #acceptance #resilience #freedom #flow #life #impermanence #peace #letgo
A quotation from Von Clausewitz, Karl:
A strong mind is one which does not lose its balance even under the most violent excitement.
[Ein starkes Gemüt ist ein solches, welches auch bei den heftigsten Regungen nicht aus dem Gleichgewicht kommt.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #agitation #balance #emotion #excitement #mind #self-control #stability #strength
#quote #quotes #quotation #agitation #balance #emotion #excitement #mind #self #stability #strength
#Agitation - The act of agitating, or the state of being agitated; the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular action; commotion; as, the sea after a storm is in agitation.
#Agitation in Alzheimer’s Dementia: #Brexpiprazole phase III trial- George Grossberg #CTAD22
previous trials
Trial 3: use of 2mg and 3mg
- Design: randomized 2:1 2mg oder 3mg vs. Placebo
- Results: 2 or 3mg significant improvement
- Safety: AE - similar rates than placebo, sedation, extrapyramidal disorders, falls - only few reported on that, 3mg higher rate on discontinuation - no consistant pattern pattern in this group
#agitation #brexpiprazole #ctad22
@inkstainedmags There is a difference between #politics as expressing one's own views and politics as political #agitation (e.g. by a politician in an election campaign). The latter is certainly something a lot of people here would prefer not to see.