One of my latest favorite #femmefatale figures in #literature is #RobertEHoward's #AgnesdeChastillon, a.k.a. #AgnesdeLaFere, a.k.a. #DarkAgnes, a.k.a. #SwordWoman. It's sad how little content there is featuring Dark Agnes; Howard only wrote three short stories featuring the character (the last completed post-mortem by #GeraldWPage) and #Marvel had her in a crossover event and a solo #comic title that lasted only 3 issues before #COVID killed it.
#femmefatale #literature #robertehoward #agnesdechastillon #agnesdelafere #darkagnes #swordwoman #geraldwpage #Marvel #comic #covid
I'm not even done with my current #dnd campaign (#CurseofStrahd / #Ravenloft) and I'm already itching to begin a new adventure with an inspired character concept.
Last year, I became really interested in #RobertEHoward's #AgnesDeChastillon, who intrigued me back during #Marvel's #Conan Serpent War crossover #miniseries and the subsequent, untimely canceled #DarkAgnes #comic series.
Since then, I read her original tales and felt inspired to create a DnD character to roleplay with.
#DnD #curseofstrahd #ravenloft #robertehoward #agnesdechastillon #Marvel #conan #miniseries #darkagnes #comic