#RaviKishan's daughter Ishita Shukla is all set to join the Indian defence forces under the #Agnipath scheme, introduced by the union government in 2022
https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/meet-ishita-shukla-ravi-kishans-daughter-who-will-join-indian-army-5-points-101687950181831.html #press
Why Manipur Shouldn't Surprise Us: A Roundup of Civil Violence Cases Since 2014
The past few years have seen their share of unrest and protests, to which governments often responded with internet shutdowns. But not so much has been seen by way of reconciliation or other mechanisms to resolve issues underlying the troubles.
#manipur #ManipurViolence #FarmersProtest #agnipath #CAA #NRC #JatReservation #PatelReservation #InternetShutdowns #BJP #hindutva #reservations #CivilViolence #india
#manipur #manipurviolence #FarmersProtest #agnipath #caa #nrc #jatreservation #patelreservation #internetshutdowns #BJP #hindutva #reservations #civilviolence #india
Tale of 2 Agniveer suicides and India’s unemployed. ‘I can die even for 4-day uniform’
Ever since the Army started the Agnipath recruitment process, instances of aspirants ending their lives have been cropping up with depressing regularity.
#agnipath #agniveer #suicide #IndianArmy #recruitment #unemployment #governance #MastIndia #india
#agnipath #agniveer #suicide #indianarmy #recruitment #unemployment #governance #mastindia #india