Issue 6 - Behaviours d) fallacy Bingo and Othering - Issues With Agnostic Atheism by AnswersInReason
Issue 6 - Behaviours d) fallacy Bingo and Othering - Issues With Agnostic Atheism
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism #logic
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism #logic
Why should we use the rules of logic? by Davidian #Atheism #Logic #MiscReligious #Philosophy #Religion #Agnosticism #Agnostic #Theist #Theism
#atheism #logic #miscreligious #philosophy #religion #agnosticism #agnostic #theist #theism
Issues With Agnostic Atheism by Davidian #Atheism #BadArguments #Belief #ConflatedandMisunderstoodTerms #Fallacies #Logic #EpistemologyTopic #Epistemology #Knowledge #Language #Philosophy #Rationality #Sceptic #Scepticism #Skeptic #Skepticism #Agnosticism #Agnostic
#atheism #badarguments #belief #conflatedandmisunderstoodterms #fallacies #logic #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #language #philosophy #rationality #sceptic #scepticism #skeptic #skepticism #agnosticism #agnostic
Issue 10 - Open Mindend?? by AnswersInReason
- Issues With Agnostic Atheism
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism #logic #shorts
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism #logic #shorts
Issue 4: Lack of Consistency - Issues With Agnostic Atheism by AnswersInReason
Issue 4: Lack of Consistency - Issues With Agnostic Atheism
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism #logic #shorts
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism #logic #shorts
Issue 2: Epistemic Confusion - Issues With Agnostic Atheism by AnswersInReason
Issue 2: Epistemic Confusion - Issues With Agnostic Atheism
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism #logic #shorts
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism #logic #shorts
A quotation from Hepburn, Katharine:
I’m an atheist, and that’s it. I believe there’s nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for other people.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #agnosticism #atheism #loveyourneighbor #morality
#quote #quotes #quotation #agnosticism #atheism #loveyourneighbor #morality
Issue 6 - Behaviours b+c) Logic Rationality and Scepticism - Issues With Agnostic Atheism by AnswersInReason
Issue 6 - Behaviours b+c) Logic Rationality and Scepticism - Issues With Agnostic Atheism
#agnosticatheism #atheism #agnostic #atheist #agnosticism
Poll - Which Statement best represents your position? by AnswersInReason
running a poll about which statement best represents your position as an atheist whilst not my preferred way to use the term, the stipulated use of atheist here is any non-theist that identifies as atheist
#atheist #atheism #nontheism #theism #theist #poll #god #gods #agnostic #agnosticism #existence #ontology #metaphysics
#atheist #atheism #nontheism #theism #theist #poll #god #gods #agnostic #agnosticism #existence #ontology #metaphysics
Atheists, Echo Chambers, and Dunning-Kruger by Answers In Reason #criticalthinking #atheist #freshAiR #sciphi #belief #jtb #justifiedtruebelief #theoryofknowledge #epistemicjustification #burdenofproof #bop #justification #rationality #rationalbelief #boj #burdenofjustification #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #AiR #answersinreason #question #questions #agnosticism #agnostic #mind #philosophy #art #vest #clothing #evolution #theist
#criticalthinking #atheist #freshair #sciphi #belief #jtb #justifiedtruebelief #theoryofknowledge #epistemicjustification #burdenofproof #bop #justification #rationality #rationalbelief #boj #burdenofjustification #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #air #answersinreason #question #questions #agnosticism #agnostic #mind #philosophy #art #vest #clothing #evolution #theist
A quotation from Dawkins, Richard:
It is often said […] that although there is no positive evidence for the existence of God, nor is there evidence against his existence. So it is best to keep an open mind and be agnostic. At first sight that seems an unassailable position, at least in the weak sense of Pascal’s wager. But on second thoughts it seems a…
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #agnosticism #atheism #belief
Why Do I Believe No Gods Exist? by Davidian
#Agnosticism #Agnostic #Atheist #Atheism #Christianity #Hinduism #Islam #Justification #Metaphysics #MiscReligious #Philosophy #Religion #Belief #Evolution #FreeWill #Naturalism #Morality #Ethics #EthicsandMorality #Moral#Philosophy
#agnosticism #agnostic #atheist #atheism #christianity #hinduism #islam #justification #metaphysics #miscreligious #philosophy #religion #belief #evolution #freewill #naturalism #morality #ethics #ethicsandmorality #moral
@chris_spackman @atheistic_1
The fact you can't is my point.
If you assert something you can't prove as fact and expect me to just believe you "on faith", THAT is a religion.
#Atheism is a religion. #Agnosticism isn't. We don't try to convince you of anything that can't be proven.
@atheistic_1 I define being an #Agnostic and my #Agnosticism this way:
"I'm not an #Atheist. #Atheism is in fact a RELIGION. It's a belief w/o proof, and it's believers EVANGELIZE trying to convince others that *their* belief system is in fact the only one that's *true*."
Agnostics say, "I don't believe, but I have no more proof that my way of thinking is true than you do."
#agnostic #agnosticism #atheist #atheism
Agnosticism simply means that a man shall not say he knows or believes that for which he has no grounds for professing to believe.
-- Thomas H. Huxley
⬆ #Quotes #ThomasHHuxley #Agnosticism
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Sunrise #SacandagaLake #Adirondacks #NewYork
#quotes #thomashhuxley #agnosticism #photography #panorama #sunrise #sacandagalake #adirondacks #newyork
Today I am sharing a meandering story about aliens and god and growing up and Maga bros and how growing up is weird. :medium:
#aliens #growingup #faith #agnosticism
#aliens #growingup #faith #agnosticism
Unlike other U.S. religious groups, most atheists and agnostics oppose the death penalty
A majority of adults in the United States favor the death penalty for people convicted of murder, according to a recent Pew Research Center survey. However, views about the death penalty vary by religion – with atheists and agnostics opposing this form of punishment at about the same rate as Americans overall support it. #religion #atheism #agnosticism
#religion #atheism #agnosticism
Whether you're a Christian, of another faith, agnostic/atheist, or anything else: Are you doing something positive during the period of Lent?
#Christianity #Interfaith #Atheism #Agnosticism #Faith #Religion #Society #Lent
#lent #society #religion #faith #agnosticism #atheism #interfaith #christianity
Many of my fellow atheists consider all talk of 'spirituality' or 'mysticism' to be synonymous with mental illness, conscious fraud, or self-deception. I have argued elsewhere that this is a problem - because millions of people have had experiences for which 'spiritual' and 'mystical' seem the only terms available.
-Sam Harris
#mysticoftheday #spirituality #philosophy #theology #atheism #agnosticism #mystic
#mystic #agnosticism #atheism #theology #philosophy #spirituality #mysticoftheday
You learn something everyday! (even from #geocities :))
#geocities #theism #atheism #agnosticism