Meet the 'Nones': A powerful force in US politics — without a coalition
Nearly 30% of Americans say they have no religious affiliation. Today the so-called “nones” represent about 30% of Democrats and 12% of Republicans – and they are making their voices heard. Organizations lobby on behalf of #atheists, #agnostics, secular #humanists and other nonreligious people.
People who identified as atheists and agnostics were more likely to vote than religiously affiliated
#atheists #agnostics #humanists
"More places of #worship (and more #secular #societies for #skeptics/ #atheists/ #agnostics) should do this. Imo.
ETA: it’s sick and sad we’re in this position in the first place, that we have to do a whole circuitous song and dance to buy #people relief. But it’s nice to know #someone out there has a better life now"
#worship #secular #societies #skeptics #atheists #agnostics #people #someone
@dexternemrod @atheistic_1
In *this* debate, the first claim was mine that #Atheism is in fact a religion b/c it meets all the criteria of a religion: It accepts a *belief* w/o proof, it's believers *proselytize* trying to convince others that their view of the world is the truth, and you're just going to have to accept that on *faith.*
#Agnostics don't do that.
True - folks tend to ignore the fact most #atheists and #agnostics live in the shadows within their American communities so as not to piss off employers, customers, associates, etc. No way I could advertise my thinking where I live!
A Christian apologist recently posted how inspired they were when a Christian sent them a very nice, friendly letter. That's fine - few #atheists / #agnostics argue there are not perfectly decent Christians, etc. Some are incredibly upstanding folks. Just don't confuse human decency with something necessarily tied to a system of magical thinking. That said, I didn't attempt to disabuse them of their belief, since it's obviously their jam. Let's not troll.
#Christmas #Solstice .#Agnostics #Pagans
The majority of Christians are not privalged middle class white folks ,the majority of Christians are non white poor or lower class #caste non white and the majority of Christians live in places they are perecuted ,a significant proportion where they can be tortured or killed ,Online is their safe place,So just for Christmas can folk at least CW nasty or mocking Xmas posts,its hate speech and you wouldnt do it to others
#christmas #solstice #agnostics #pagans #caste
I sometimes get criticized by my fellow #atheists / #agnostics, they say that politely pointing out the ridiculousness of various dogmatic believes in #religion / #astrology etc, is rude and disrespectful.
This is backwards for me. Isn't it rude and disrespectful to dishonestly hide your thoughts?
Do I have to believe that I have to protect people from my thoughts because they are not as smart?
Isn't it better to respect them as equals?
#atheists #agnostics #religion #astrology
“We don’t do God”
More than a billion people are non religious, but they cannot be categorised into one group. Here Jonny Thomson, an Oxford philosopher, argues there are three broad categories of atheists; the non religious, the nonbelievers and the agnostic
#atheist #atheists #agnostic #agnostics
“#Atheists and #agnostics tend to be just a healthy and satisfied with life as their religious counterparts, according to new research published in Journal of Religion and Health. The findings cast doubts on the theory that religion and spirituality enhance personal wellbeing.”
New research finds that atheists are just as healthy as the religious
Thank you @pimoroni
for sending this #RaspberryPi4 across the pond to USA.
The Heat Sink Case is a real charm: stress --cpu 3 (15min load ave 3.0) results in 60C processor temp. No temp throttling.
(The micro sdCard included in the kit is not a screamer but it passed #agnostics.)
Eager to see what this does for my #OpenCV #LaneFollowing frame rate.
#raspberrypi4 #agnostics #opencv #LaneFollowing
It must be obvious to informed observers that #atheists, #agnostics and other non-followers of Abrahamic religions are an endangered class in America
"Where was the new polling place located? It was moved to the Cross City evangelical #Christian mega church a couple of blocks away. Apparently it is alright to force #Jewish, #Muslim, #Pagan, #agnostics and #atheists to walk by three huge crosses ..." #Fresno
#christian #jewish #muslim #pagan #agnostics #atheists #fresno