Finally, #Agon65X is our lowest priority for now, and both the team and the plans are fluid for the time being. Don't expect anything for several months at least. Our focus is squarely on #AgonLight and platforms based on it (more soon) for the foreseeable future.
If the team shares their tentative ideas publicly, that should not be construed as #Agon65X becoming anything other than what is described above. #Agon65X will be essentially an #AgonLight with a W65C265S in lieu of the eZ80F92. I give you my personal assurance that we will not start a family tree of a bazzilion #Agon variants here. We're only being sensitive to repeated requests by a community of 6502 aficionados to have this ONE variant for them.
...Just like #AgonLight, #Agon65X will have a generic control/GPIO port that can be used to connect joystick adapters and other peripherals, but not dedicated joystick ports. In principle, it will not have a BBC BASIC implementation for licensing reasons. Should circumstances change, we may revise this latter point, but it's not anticipated. It will have some other BASIC to be defined.
(THREAD) Regarding #Agon65X: if it actually happens, it will have a W65C265S as CPU and an ESP32 as audio/video chip. It will have the same high-speed serial communication between CPU and VDP as in #AgonLight (well, at lower speed, but the same structure and comms protocol). It won't have a VERA chip. It will use the same VDP code used in #AgonLight, and thus the same graphics commands and primitives.