Anyone here have a good reading list for Bonnie #Honig and her theory of pluralistic agonism? Need to get a reference set put together. #agonism #pluralisticagonism #research
#research #pluralisticagonism #agonism #honig
By moving subsidiarity into technical architecture, rather than human policy, the fediverse can move from *antagonism* (the "zero-sum destructiveness" that dominates current online debate) to #agonism, where your opponent isn't an enemy - they are a "political adversary":
Here, Rozenshtein cites @320x200 and @rra's "Seven Theses On The Fediverse And The Becoming Of Floss":
Our friends in the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) have an interesting CfP out!
Check it out in the link below 👇
CfP- Agonism: Conflicting Interpretations of the Past, Participation Practices, and Transforming Cultural Venues.
There are concerns that GPT3 was released without much thought for ethics accuracy & accountability. Fair.
But what is the alternative? That it remain in a shadowy room, new capacities that only *they* can engage and understand first hand? And then *those people and friends* decide what an ethical design looks like?
Having a messy public beta is the /condition of possibility/ for a public debate about how AI can be ethical and accountable.
#socialshapingoftechnology #agonism #sts
There are concerns that GPT3 was released without much thought for ethics accuracy & accountability. Fair.
But what is the alternative? That it remain in a shadowy room, new capacities that only *they* can engage and understand first hand? And then *those people and friends* decide what an ethical design looks like?
Having a messy public beta is the /condition of possibility/ for a public debate about how AI can be ethical and accountable.
#SocialShapingOfTechnology #agonism @sociology #STS
#socialshapingoftechnology #agonism #sts
@fasterandworse Well, I suppose I can always block you for eternity... 🤣 🤣 😘
critique is the name of the game. note the #agonism in my #introduction @YBenkler good Q, inviting Qs! ;).
p.s. to introduce & hashtag a few good related terms and book, for anyone unfamiliar (I know @schock knows): "Adversarial Design…evokes and engages political issues…in the construction of objects, interfaces, networks, spaces and events. Most importantly, #AdversarialDesign does the work in expressing and enabling #agonism."
"Term was first used by #CarloDiSalvo [GIT, @cdisalvo.@twitter] in 2012 book Adversarial Design.
#adversarialdesign #agonism #carlodisalvo
Every year, I try to participate at Congregation, a small un-conference in Ireland held in...Cong.
This year, the theme was "Purpose." So, I submitted the following:
"Agonistic Purpose"
#fun #agonism #purpose #NotAcademic
Another day, another 2,998 duplicates to get vetted in *sigh*
Let's do this...but first, #coffee.
#agonism #academicchatter #ScopingReview #coffee
I’m a sociologist of science and technology with a focus long-term research infrastructures, and on the recent explosion of data science. #ethnography #histodons
I’m finishing up a book on an ecology of HIV/AIDS research infrastructures that have come to increasingly interlock over the past 35+ years #interoperability
tag heap:
#agonism #datastudies #CSCW #ecology #HIV #HCI #infrastructure #infrastructurestudies #philosophy #epistemology #sciencestudies #sociotechnical #STS
#introduction #ethnography #histodons #interoperability #agonism #datastudies #CSCW #ecology #hiv #HCI #infrastructure #infrastructurestudies #philosophy #epistemology #sciencestudies #sociotechnical #sts
#Introduction Post to be pinned.
(just realized I've not done this here 😂 )
PhD Candidate @ UCD Ireland
(MA/BA in Clinical Counseling/Psych)
Office of Research - Dell
Responsible Computing Consortium member (ask me about joining)
#socialtransformation #data #systems #responsiblecomputing
#ResponsibleComputing #systems #data #socialtransformation #adversarialagonism #agonism #introduction