I went from guilt and #depression to 45 mins of skateboarding out in the sunshine.
Need to work out what the exact brain hack was 🫢
I managed to grocery shop today. I was more panicked about going than usual, because we were going to a store I haven’t been to before. I get really anxious about not knowing where everything is, since that makes me have to be in the store for longer. I also worry about potential access issues with my service dog. Luckily, no access issue, and things in the store were pretty easy to find. They also had a lot more vegetarian options than my usual store. Success! #Agoraphobia #PanicDisorder
I hate how much grocery shopping makes me anxious. Like, I'm looking forward to getting more food for the house (and snacks and meals for work) and I'll have my partner @chirpbirb with me, but I'm still anxious about how crowded it might be. #anxiety #agoraphobia #shopping
#anxiety #agoraphobia #shopping
You haven't lived until you're an agoraphobic that's done a dash outside to the car at 11pm to get your xanax in the middle of a panic attack while desperately trying not to wake anyone else up.
Mental health? Don't know her.
#audhd #autism #adhd #disability #neurodiverse #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Agoraphobia
#audhd #autism #adhd #disability #neurodiverse #mentalhealth #anxiety #agoraphobia
Guten Morgen , hoffe ihr habt gut geschlafen. Ich darf gleich zu meinem 6 Wochen Termin beim Neurologen. Immer mit der Sorge er schreibt einen nicht mehr krank.
#notjustsad #agoraphobia
Some things about me:
I am #aromantic, #asexual, #agender, and #intersex. Very #queer and #neuroqueer.
I have so many disabilities, I find it difficult to remember most of them. This includes the following: #ADHD, #Autism, #Insomnia, #Dysautonomia, #ChronicMigraines, #Type2Diabetes, #VisualSnowSyndrome, #Agoraphobia, #Dyspraxia, #ChronicDepression, #TopographicalDisorientation, etc. This list is nonexhaustive.
#aromantic #asexual #agender #intersex #queer #neuroqueer #adhd #autism #insomnia #dysautonomia #chronicmigraines #type2diabetes #visualsnowsyndrome #agoraphobia #dyspraxia #chronicdepression #topographicaldisorientation
The #woods instantly cures my #agoraphobia. I'll take any stand of trees really.
Oh I am so glad to be out of the doctors surgery, my #anxiety and #agoraphobia were ping off big time with all the noise and carry on in the surgery, and a screaming baby not help the matter either.
I successfully picked my car up and ran an errand yipee #agoraphobia #recovering #ozzy #summer
#agoraphobia #recovering #ozzy #Summer
I've struggled with a fear of heights (#agoraphobia) since I was little. And I genuinely want to deal with it because its getting in the way of things I want to do. Mostly #cycling descents :). But googling it mobilizes the whole therapy-industrial-complex and I can't discern advertising from real help. If anyone has experience in this, I'd really appreciate advice or suggestions on resources that might be available.
@alveolar_thrill I just realised I probably don't JUST have #agoraphobia. If I don't leave the house, I don't need to mask.
In related news, I hope autistic burnout ends at SOME point…
It’s a high anxiety day. Almost crawling out of my skin. It’s so hard to function… #PTSD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Agoraphobia #PanicDisorder
#ptsd #generalizedanxietydisorder #agoraphobia #PanicDisorder
First time out of my neighborhood since November, anxiety is massive but we are seeing cool stuff #agoraphobia #anxiety #outofmycomfortzone #ozzy #dogsofmastodon
#agoraphobia #anxiety #outofmycomfortzone #ozzy #dogsofmastodon
So I had lost 22 lbs. before I started Ozempic. Then yesterday I weighed myself for the first time in 3 weeks (I had started the Ozempic two weeks ago) and I’m down 11 more lbs! So 33 lbs. down so far. I’ve changed my eating habits a lot in the past few weeks, but have been slacking on exercise. It’s hard when my preferred way to exercise is walking, and my agoraphobia is barely letting me leave my apartment. #WeightLoss #Ozempic #Agoraphobia
#weightloss #ozempic #agoraphobia
i made it to the coast! #agoraphobia #FridayFeeling #beer
#agoraphobia #fridayfeeling #beer
My #intro sucks so here's a more complete one.
I am an early 20's #introvert guy from #Philippines #tootSEA.
I speak #Tagalog #Filipino #English and some surface-level #programming.
Favorite color is #2FACE4.
#SCIENCE #astrodon #dinosaurs #nature
#TECH #foss #privacy #software
#MUSIC #bass #electronicmusic #guitar #instrument #makemusic #metal #rock
#animals #pets #memes
Dislikes & flaws:
open spaces, crowds, traveling, 1:1 talks, decisions
#colorblind & possibly #agoraphobia
#intro #introvert #philippines #tootsea #tagalog #filipino #english #programming #2face4 #science #astrodon #dinosaurs #nature #tech #foss #privacy #software #music #bass #electronicmusic #guitar #instrument #makemusic #metal #rock #animals #pets #memes #colorblind #agoraphobia
It’s my birthday, and I feel weird. It feels like every year, I get more anxious and reclusive. I can’t even handle going out for dinner anymore. My dad is bringing takeout. Sigh. It does feel like a slight accomplishment that I’m still here though. #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #PanicDisorder #Agoraphobia
#generalizedanxietydisorder #PanicDisorder #agoraphobia
Narrowly avoided being evicted from our motel this morning, thanks to a very kind and generous donor.
We can't handle this level of stress, but there's no escape and no other choice, so we keeping trying to move forward.
Can't wait to be able to say "newly housed" omg, I seriously cannot wait! 🥺
There is SO much to figure out and do before we can go, but the more we discuss things, the more plans are starting to come together.
It's going to be SO much work, but we're not afraid of that, it's the change from our very safe and particular routine and lifestyle that's scary and overwhelming.
Also the money part of it all...
But we can do it!
We can, I know it. 😤💗✨
#Unhoused #Homeless #ChronicallyHomeless #LongCovid #Fibro #Agoraphobia #CPTSD #Autistic #EscapingAbuse #ChronicPain #Bedbound #Crowdfunding #Fundraiser
#unhoused #homeless #chronicallyhomeless #LongCovid #fibro #agoraphobia #cptsd #autistic #EscapingAbuse #chronicpain #Bedbound #crowdfunding #fundraiser
It seems like my partner's TMS (brain zaps with magnets) treatments are working, I just hope she can get treatment for the #agoraphobia that followed her depression faster than she got effective treatment for the depression.
(If anyone has experience with this, advice is welcome)