Hi there! Peace and Love!
I am a soil scientist... so am wandering into the ecoevo.social community. Big thanks for letting me in!
PostDoc at @tumsoil I study #SoilOrganicMatter and #SoilBiogeoChemistry in #AgriculturalSoil #Subsoil and beyond. Work experiences in France, Japan and Germany, and I am not going to stop yet. Interests in #EarthScience #Ecology #DOM #Chemometrics #Roots #Rock #Reggae #BigData #FOSS
#soilorganicmatter #soilbiogeochemistry #agriculturalsoil #subsoil #earthscience #ecology #dom #chemometrics #roots #rock #reggae #bigdata #foss
We do not need 5G – we need people who care about us https://www.15-15-15.org/webzine/2020/12/24/we-do-not-need-5g-we-need-people-who-care-about-us/ #bio-climaticarchitecture #programmedobsolescence #sustainabletechnology #self-drivingvehicles #sustainablemobility #AntonioAretxabala #controloverpeople #ecosystemcollapse #agriculturalsoil #authoritarianism #energytransition #MasanobuFukuoka #renewableenergy #DonellaMeadows #JorgeRiechmann #mythofprogress #nanotechnology #publicservices #ICT
#bio #programmedobsolescence #sustainabletechnology #self #sustainablemobility #AntonioAretxabala #controloverpeople #ecosystemcollapse #agriculturalsoil #authoritarianism #energytransition #MasanobuFukuoka #renewableenergy #donellameadows #JorgeRiechmann #mythofprogress #nanotechnology #publicservices #ict