3 exciting days on #food and #power relations have come to an end. Shout out to al participants from Sri Lanka to Columbia, at Hohenheim or online. And shout out to the great organisation team!
#food #power #agrifoodgeos23 #agrifoodgeos
Second day of AK #agrifoodgeos started with a session on #GVC on beverages like coffee, beer and cacao. Followed by approaches on power relations and power struggles. I'm impressed by the variety and interdisciplinary presented today!
#agrifoodgeos #gvc #agrifoodgeos23
Looking forward on the next two days of the 2nd conference of AK Agri-Food Geographies at University of Hohenheim.
Starting the conference with a keynote by Damian Maye on double movements and new geographies of food.
#agrifoodgeos #power #powerlessness #agrifoodsystem #geography