Unión Europea en Guatemala · @UEGuatemala
26 followers · 4187 posts · Server respublicae.eu
aleka · @aleka
62 followers · 11 posts · Server kolektiva.social

hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.

i am passionate about keeping bees, tending to pollinator and wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to make botanical scents with.

i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again.

currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!

lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!

#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation

Last updated 2 years ago

aleka · @aleka
18 followers · 2 posts · Server kolektiva.social

hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.

i am passionate about keeping bees, tending to pollinator and wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to make botanical scents with.

i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again.

currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!

lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!

#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation

Last updated 2 years ago

aleka · @aleka
18 followers · 2 posts · Server kolektiva.social

hello, fellow chlorochrous creatures. i am trying to navigate this space and grow some community here! i live in the pnw. i love metalsmithing, especially synclastic and anticlastic raising and fold forming.

i am passionate about keeping bees, building soil health, tending to pollinator/wildlife habitat and bioremediation of brown fields. i grow perennial edibles, medicinal botanicals and aromatic plants that i distill with my trusty copper alembic or enfleurage to compose botanical scents with.

i design bilingual (en/es) curriculum and practice regenerative, whole systems-informed horticultural therapy with youth in the foster system and carceral institutions. well, i did and will do again. currently i am in a rather extended process of recovering from spinal cord surgery, so i am mostly prone while my body mends. i have a eds so it’s a slow process. i am pretty much on pause right now. which makes me treasure whatever kind of intellectual and creative stimulation i can get!

lower case has been my default since i first read bell hooks as a wee lass. now i just learned why the first letter of each word should be capitalized in hashtags - to make it more coherent for people who use screen readers. so, here is a lengthy list of things i’d love to connect around!

#agroecología #apicultura #phytoremediation #lichen #moss #mycology #metal #sciart #hps #HistPhilSci #philsci #philbio #Symbiartic #medanthro #envhist #envhum #EcoCrit #complit #LitTheory #multispecies #Plantionocene #noborders #CarceralEcologies #CarceralGeographies #solidaritynotcharity #conspirituality #skeptic #SomaticRegulation #synaesthesia #SoilBuilding #permacultura

Last updated 2 years ago

aleka · @aleka
20 followers · 3 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Este sábado seguimos con el ciclo de charlas sobre producción agroecológica y soberanía alimentaria en , esta vez con la participación de Gustavo Shrauf, profesor de la cátedra de Genética de la Facultad de Agronomía de la e impulsor del Proyecto Tomate Criollo.
Interesades pueden acercarse a la Casa de las Juventudes en Villa Devoto a las 11 hs, la actividad es libre y gratuita, y pueden aprovechar a conocer la huerta comunitaria.

#alimentacion #huertas #agroecología #uba #argentina

Last updated 2 years ago

andoluca · @andoluca
179 followers · 1493 posts · Server mastodon.uy

Llegó uno de mis momentos preferidos del día, el momento de regar las plantas

#escarpir #agroecología

Last updated 2 years ago

CSA Vega de Jarama · @csavegadejarama
72 followers · 311 posts · Server mastodon.la

¡Hola Fediverso! 🙋‍♀️

Unas líneas a modo de presentación.

Somos una que hemos decidido responsabilizarnos de nuestra alimentación en forma de CSA (Agricultura sostenida por la Comunidad).
Cultivamos verduras ricas y de calidad mediante al tiempo que hemos creado tres puestos de trabajo dignos.

#comunidad #agroecología

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh Summer · @joshsummer
13 followers · 143 posts · Server mastodon.top
David Hammerstein · @DaHammerstein
7 followers · 2000 posts · Server respublicae.eu

RT @JL_Vicente_: Decir que la agricultura que no usa agroquímicos produce menos cosecha que la convencional es como decir que un atleta dopado corre más que uno sin dopar. Beneficios a corto plazo, pero totalmente insostenible en el tiempo.

🐦🔗: nitter.eu/DaHammerstein/status


Last updated 2 years ago

Equipo Nibö :niboe: · @equipo
852 followers · 253 posts · Server red.niboe.info

Hemos firmado la Declaración por un sistema alimentario basado en la y la 🥕


#agroecología #SoberaníaAlimentaria

Last updated 3 years ago

Instan a la Junta a que potencie la agroecología y no la expansión de los cultivos de regadíos.
-  Las reservas de agua del Guadiana a su paso por Extremadura son un 25% menores que la media de los últimos 10 años. Por otra parte, el regadío en la región no para de crec

#agroecología #local #DefensadelTerritorio #ecologismo #Ruralidad

Last updated 3 years ago

ritimo · @ritimo
273 followers · 597 posts · Server mamot.fr

📁Les compartimos esta serie de artículos coordinada por el colectivo Canasta Solidaria Mikhuna Kachun. Nos habla de , red de comercio justo y popular... Una lectura estimulante sobre concretas!⤵️

#agroecología #educación #iniciativas

Last updated 4 years ago

kuyalbapo · @stola
82 followers · 207 posts · Server qoto.org
bs2 · @bsmall2
196 followers · 3346 posts · Server mstdn.jp

Agroeclogy or Barbarism! Why hadn't the thought came to mind before?
> Agroecología o barbarie


#agroecology #barbarism #agroecología #barbarie

Last updated 6 years ago

Sursiendo · @sursiendo
1625 followers · 1573 posts · Server mastodon.social

Mapa de agroecología:plataforma de recoge mapeo de iniciativas en mapadaagroecologia.org

#softwarelibre #agroecología

Last updated 6 years ago