RĂ©mi Cardinael · @remicardinael
1 followers · 1 posts · Server ecoevo.social
Gustavo Ogasawara :rna: · @gojonnes
114 followers · 19 posts · Server genomic.social

I wrote an when I was in another instance, but it might be a good idea to post again here.

So! My name is Gustavo, I'm a @PhDstudent , and trying to understand the and in and how we can use it to make better and sustainable.

I also play the .

everything about and .

It is an honor to be here.

#pizza #beer #wine #words #poetry #music #art #philosophy #science #nature #love #guitar #agriculture #plants #circadianrhythms #biologicalclock #naturelover #agronomist #PlantScientist #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Gustavo Ogasawara · @gojonnes
25 followers · 13 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Hi! I'm an and lover trying to understand the and in and how we can use it to make better and sustainable.

everything about and .

#Introduction #agronomist #nature #biologicalclock #circadianrhythms #plants #agriculture #love #science #philosophy #guitar #words #beer

Last updated 2 years ago