This is a frankensteinian mishmash of results from older, recent, and upcoming papers, which I have somehow managed to cobble together.

Covers lessons learned about urban heat across scales and differences when using metrics.

Relevant papers:

Our paper comparing surface versus canopy heat island:

Our paper examining feedback on urban exposure across scales:

#heat #humidity #aguadvances #urban #scienceadvances #HeatStress

Last updated 2 years ago

This is a frankensteinian mishmash of results from older, recent, and upcoming papers, which I have somehow managed to cobble together.

Covers lessons learned about urban heat across scales and differences when using metrics.

Relevant papers:

paper comparing surface versus canopy heat island:

Our paper examining feedback on urban exposure across scales:

#heat #humidity #aguadvances #urban #scienceadvances #HeatStress

Last updated 2 years ago