Jewish Conversations · @JewishConversations
334 followers · 35 posts · Server

@mazeldon @rabbinics

Where else do we see Jewish people of all denominations working together? The annual community Tikkun Leyl Shavuot at Congregation Kehillath Israel in , .

About 20 Jewish groups collaborate from Orthodox to Reform to secular. It is a beautiful role model of what the Jewish community can achieve if we put our minds to it ❤️ 🔯

#ahavatyisrael #jewishcommunity #massachusetts #brookline

Last updated 2 years ago

Jewish Conversations · @JewishConversations
334 followers · 35 posts · Server

@mazeldon @rabbinics

Another example - Across

In the Prospect Heights/Park Slope area: Brooklyn’s minyanim, synagogues, and organizations come together for Shavuot Across Brooklyn, an all-night teaching and learning celebration commemorating the giving of the Ten Commandments.

#ahavatyisrael #jewishcommunity #nyc #talmud #mishnah #torah #Brooklyn #shavuot

Last updated 2 years ago

Jewish Conversations · @JewishConversations
334 followers · 35 posts · Server

@mazeldon @rabbinics

Here's an example - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL) - A training institute and resource center. Here rabbis from all Jewish denominations participate. The organization is described by The Jewish Daily Forward as a “think-tank dedicated to questions of Jewish identity and religious practice…in its quest to expand the boundaries of Jewish communal life”

#ahavatyisrael #rabbis #jewishcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

@jzitt @mlevie @johndoepe @mazeldon

Ugh, I hate this tiny character limit. I am thus attaching my concluding thoughts in this picture (click to enlarge text.)

#achdut #ahavatyisrael #Jewishcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Sadly, I've received some unkind or mean feedback when I offered this list of collaborations: Jewish laypeople and leaders who reject virtue signaling and instead make friends across denominational lines!
, , , , Jews, learning and doing things together.

Folks in my community think that this is great: It'd be wonderful to see more of this in our communities <3



#reformjews #orthodoxjews #conservativejews #jewishrenewal #neohasidic #ahavatyisrael #achdut

Last updated 2 years ago

Ahavas Yisrael - love of one's fellow - is the vessel for Ahavas HaShem, love of God. It is said that through Ahavas Yisrael, one will eventually come to Ahavas HaShem, and then to Ahavas HaTorah.

Let's commit ourselves this year to building awareness of the importance of , and reach out even more to Jews of any denomination in our local communities and states. Despite differences we're still family.


#jews #ahavatyisrael #reformJudaism #orthodoxjudaism #conservativejudaism

Last updated 2 years ago

The Baal Shem Tov taught

The entire Jewish people are one. This has a physical aspect (chomer) and spiritual aspect (tzurah). And just as the body needs the soul, so the soul needs the body. Therefore, [one in the category of tzurah] should not separate himself from [one in the category of chomer]; rather, one should bind himself to them and watch over them with a compassionate eye in order to return them to the ways of virtue.

- Toldos Yaakov Yosef, Kedoshim

#chassidus #ahavatyisrael

Last updated 2 years ago

A Jewish teaching on Ahavat Yisrael from the Baal Shem Tov

The Baal Shem Tov once said: "When a Jew sighs in compassion for the grief of another Jew, this breaks through even the most impenetrable barriers of those who denounce us Above. And when a Jew enthusiastically shares in another Jew's rejoicing and blesses him, then God receives it like the prayer of Rabbi Yishmael Kohen Gadol in the Holy of Holies"

- Sefer HaSichos 5703

#chassidus #hasidicjudaism #ahavatyisrael

Last updated 2 years ago

A teaching of the Baal Shem Tov

"You shall love your neighbor as yourself," (Vayikra 19:18), is a reflection of the mitzvah, "You shall love the Lord, your God." For when one loves another Jew, one loves the Holy One. For [the soul of] a Jew is a "portion of God Above," and when one loves a fellow Jew, one loves his innermost essence. Thus, one loves the Holy One as well - HaYom Yom 78

#Chassidic #ahavatyisrael #chassidus #baalshemtov

Last updated 2 years ago

The Maggid of taught: The Baal Shem Tov often used to say that love of the people is the same thing as love of . The verse states, "You are children unto the Lord, your God." When one loves the father, one loves the children
- HaYom Yom, p. 81

- The Path of the Ball Shem Tov, David Sears

#mezeritch #jewish #god #chassidus #hasidut #ahavatyisrael

Last updated 2 years ago

@ekim97532 @mazeldon @emilyk

In fact there are 2500 Jewish people with us in Coffeehouse Torah Talk, who believe that can be friends with, learn with, and support Jewish people of any denomination. Our mission statement is old fashioned - which scares & threatens those on the far right or far left, who attempt to gain power by seeing other Jews as an enemy. We disagree. We are stronger together.

#jews #ahavatyisrael #Jewishcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago