#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA #ReverseRobinHood p36: I think this was in the House bill already, but it is still monstrous - repeal the Medicaid expansion, throwing 11 million impoverished Americans off of health coverage https://social.coop/media/o7LWlIOBZlW15a0jjmA
#senate #healthcarebill #ahca #reverserobinhood
#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA #ReverseRobinHood p34: oh those state bailouts I mentioned? They can only be spent on healthcare providers that refuse to provide elective abortions (of course) https://social.coop/media/J5V4NEkaCknqFWcWmVI https://social.coop/media/ZCzHMHrxY6nue8HBxtY
#senate #healthcarebill #ahca #reverserobinhood
#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA #ReverseRobinHood pp 25-33: Tax cuts galore (mostly just for the rich):
health insurance, medications & med. devices, health savings & flex accounts, income tax (only cut for incomes >$250K), tanning salons, and excessive healthcare CEO salaries
#senate #healthcarebill #ahca #reverserobinhood
#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA #ReverseRobinHood page 17: there's also a bailout for states, but it starts even later (2019) than the insurance bailout and has a phased-in matching requirement
https://social.coop/media/ay0hYwgpzKz8sYfDhCM https://social.coop/media/ml8MsOheZILCYdRp7uk
#senate #healthcarebill #ahca #reverserobinhood
#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA #ReverseRobinHood page 11: oh, don't worry we've got $25B in bailout funds for insurance companies AVAILABLE IN 1-2 YEARS to help them with the catastrophe this bill causes immediately
#senate #healthcarebill #ahca #reverserobinhood
#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA #ReverseRobinHood page HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS BILL WILL DESTROY THE US ECONOMY: cancel both individual and employer mandates effective immediately.
Healthcare are plans likely to implode without this cashflow, taking down 1/6th of the economy. Start packing your bags, folks. https://social.coop/media/J0fQevHWq32r-fGDOpA https://social.coop/media/XauVHT4_KpK-LQ3IZvY
#senate #healthcarebill #ahca #reverserobinhood
#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA #ReverseRobinHood page 7: oh yeah let's also effectively ban small businesses from choosing plans with elective abortion coverage ๐น
#senate #healthcarebill #ahca #reverserobinhood
#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA #ReverseRobinHood page 7: remove the protections against extremely shitty employer plans that would allow people to opt for the subsidized exchange instead https://social.coop/media/5UExaZUA9roSzxZ3_9g
#senate #healthcarebill #ahca #reverserobinhood
#Senate #HealthcareBill #AHCA page 8: ban all coverage for elective abortions in exchange/subsidized plans. OH HELL NO https://social.coop/media/xVMomSg7vlA5o16IUVE
#Senate #ReverseRobinHood #AHCA pp5-6 continued: the lowering of the plan standard is especially evil. Not only are they dropping it to a coverage level below the current Bronze plan (58% v 60%), but they are rounding down from the median in a group that usually has only 2 plans. In other words, they've reduced the standard to be cheapest possible plan from a field that is worse than the worst plans available today.
#senate #reverserobinhood #ahca
#Senate #ReverseRobinHood #AHCA pp. 5-6: MASSIVE premium increases for anyone using the exchanges/credits through a sneaky combination of:
1. Lowering the standard for credit calculations from a plan that pays at least 70% of your costs to a plan that pays up to 58% of costs
2. Raising the income-based limits for seniors (WTF? from 9.5% to 16.2% in the worst case)
3. Lowering the nationwide cap on credits https://social.coop/media/fw2xdiSlO3vC2MybP7M https://social.coop/media/mPvUMbRahwTl5z4vhEg
#senate #reverserobinhood #ahca
#Senate #ReverseRobinHood #AHCA Also Page 2:
Narrow the definition of LEGAL immigrants allowed to participate (maybe kick off DACA recipients? need immigration expert) https://social.coop/media/u54Apgtr5DkJscTWsEA
#senate #reverserobinhood #ahca
#Senate #ReverseRobinHood #AHCA Page 2: Lower the Obamacare income caps. This throws people close to the old limit off of subsidized insurance:
Family of 4 earning $86K - $98K
Family of 2 earning $57K - $65K
Singles earning $42K - $48K
(this also extends coverage to people in the "Medicaid gap" in those states that refused the Medicaid expansion) https://social.coop/media/aI9Rxnqsc-mYqMAS0Ag
#senate #reverserobinhood #ahca
#Senate #ReverseRobinHood #AHCA Page 1: If you get a job or a raise, the IRS will come after you for any healthcare premium credits you received already that year without any limits, even if it bankrupts you (Obamacare had put limits on this for low income households; AHCA removes those) https://social.coop/media/l5tSinbdusOijjSdQxE
#senate #reverserobinhood #ahca
This worldโs a city full of crooked streets,
Deathโs the market-place where all men meet;
If life were merchandise that men should buy,
The rich would always live, the poor might die.
-- epitaph on John Gadsden, 1739
This worldโs a city full of crooked streets,
Deathโs the market-place where all men meet;
If life were merchandise that men should buy,
The rich would always live, the poor might die.
-- epitaph on John Gadsden, 1739