#photography #fotografia #fotografie #beachplease #beach #seascape #sea #Cozumel #caribbean #ahhhh
#nature #naturephotography #savedyouaseat #beachday
#photography #fotografia #fotografie #beachplease #beach #seascape #sea #cozumel #caribbean #ahhhh #Nature #naturephotography #savedyouaseat #beachday #lauracochranphotography
I finally figured out the trigger for new events in the game I call my life: it is sitting down to relax.
It is amazing how much game progress I made today. About 20 missions in the last 35 minutes alone...
#ahhhh #gamification #familyhascorona #stressed
Wofür bespricht man sich eigentlich mit einem anderen Ressort und stimmt sich auf Fachebene ab, wenn danach sowieso alles über den Haufen geworfen wird… #ahhhh
Nice long walk this afternoon. Got serenaded by the #FrogChorus on the way back. And now I know what walking a 5k feels like. Remarkably pleasant. #CoastalWalks #HereComesTheSun #SunsetOverTheOcean #Ahhhh
#frogchorus #coastalwalks #herecomesthesun #sunsetovertheocean #ahhhh
RT @TateWikuwa@twitter.com
He came to Book Club the other night & stayed for a bit but then said he needed to go eat dinner with his mom!
✨✨✨✨✨💕💕💕 https://twitter.com/thatericalper/status/1599486262565642240
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TateWikuwa/status/1599601687634665472
Nicht mal Schleichwerbung!? 🤦🏻♂️
Das geht auch besser! 🍺
#DerPostillon #Oettinger #ahhhh
#derpostillon #oettinger #ahhhh
Overcome with love for this fella. LOOK. I mean…. Just LOOK.
#mushroomlove #fungifriday #mushtadon #nature #naturephotography #earthworship #pagan #ahhhh #seriously #lookatit
#mushroomlove #FungiFriday #mushtadon #nature #naturephotography #earthworship #pagan #ahhhh #seriously #lookatit
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