Micrographic (using a microscope) photo of Sea Cucumber skin.
#Photomicrography #seacucumber #ossicle #shipsanchor #ahoy
Vanavond gaan veel boze witte mannen naar #Ahoy om te luisteren naar Jordan #Peterson. Omdat de Canadees precies zegt wat de boze witte man wil horen. Dat #woke alleen maar onzin is en het #klimaatprobleem niet bestaat. Welnee jôh, daar heeft een klinisch psycholoog natuurlijk ook voor doorgestuurd. In tegenstelling tot al die andere wetenschappers, die de noodklok steeds harder luiden.
Flink betalen voor pertinente onzin… Best zielig eigenlijk.
#ahoy #peterson #woke #klimaatprobleem
First play of Ahoy last night. Very enjoyable, interesting interactions and look forward to playing again and exploring more. Components are top notch and looks lovely on the table. Plus bonus "cat helping me pack up" pic! #boardgame #Ahoy #cat #caturday
#boardgame #ahoy #cat #caturday
I think he’s overdone the contrast a bit but the result is still cool and it was fun watching the process and dedication. Always looking forward to a new #Ahoy video. https://youtu.be/i4EFkspO5p4
Kam wohl schon im Januar, aber war heute das erste Mal auf dem Tisch: #Ahoy von @LederGames .
Abgesehen von kleinsten Makeln, die dem laaangen Weg über den großen Teich geschuldet sind, ist das Material absolut erste Sahne: verständliche Anleitung, Hilfehefte & -kärtchen, viele große Holzteile, dicke Papptoken, solide Karten, klasse Spielfeldkacheln, jede Menge Würfel! Hinzu kommt das wundervolle, thematische Artwork von Kyle Ferrin (😍) & die Leder-typische Asymmetrie! Yarrr!
Hoop dat er heel veel geld opgehaald gaat worden voor stichting #ALS #goldenearring #ahoy https://www.als.nl/de-earring-en-ik/?fbclid=IwAR21TlF4f8TtYbPr9vC_edyJSPbKTDBrNKQ1rZNuHl_0yN6pgZcR1VWUgTE
About the costume:
Batman shirt, velcro'd-on mini cape, I got on clearance, discounted wig, black yoga shorts, and I made the bat-ears and mask from spare felt and glue-stick. The mask attaches to my glasses via twist-ties. I try not to take my contacts on trips, especially on boats, so this allowed me to still wear my glasses, haha.
#vacation #nerdsOnABoat #geekery #musicians #puppeteers #Batgirl #Batman #BarbaraGordon #DCComics #artists #comics #performers #ahoy #cosplay #JoCoCruise2023
#jococruise2023 #cosplay #ahoy #performers #comics #artists #dccomics #barbaragordon #batman #batgirl #Puppeteers #musicians #geekery #nerdsonaboat #vacation
#Ahoy-DTU 0.5.99 installiert, esp8266 mit Display verbunden. Läuft. Wer hat Modelle für schicke Gehäuse?
Ahoy has done a bunch of good documentaries on various aspects of #VideoGames. My favorites are the search for the original source of the #Polybius urban legend, the history of the #MonkeyIsland series and LucasArts' non-Star Wars output in the 90s, and this one on what could be considered the first video game. #Ahoy
#videogames #polybius #monkeyisland #ahoy
Gisteren met vrienden naar #vriendenvanamstel geweest in #Ahoy in #Rotterdam. Het was weer super :)
#vriendenvanamstel #ahoy #rotterdam
Continuing the “scorching Swiftian satire of a not-too-distant future” (Broken Frontier), from Mark Russell (SECOND COMING) and Steve Pugh (The Flintstones)! With mercenaries hot on her trail, reporter Shelly Bly finds herself put on trial for her life—in the sad remains of the once-lavish Billionaire Island.
(W) Mark Russell
(A/C) Steve Pugh
#ahoy #indie #comics
What it’s like to live full time on a 400-square-foot sailboat https://www.washingtonpost.com/home/2022/12/15/what-its-like-live-on-sailboat/ #ahoy
This list is based on the shipping dates from the distributors order forms. Not all comic book shops order all items. If you have questions about a specific comic, talk to your comic shop owner. PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will arrive in all stores. Items with release dates are not...
#scout #comics #ncbd #indie #12282022 #red 5 #ahoy #awa
#AWA #ahoy #red #indie #ncbd #comics #scout
The “hop-forward sci-fi epic” [citation needed!] barrels toward, well, something! From his craft brewery in the fiery heart of a gas giant, the charismatic leader called REKKT plots galactic revolution. His motto: WAGMI! His new recruit: a reluctant HIGHBALL! The stakes: the fate of EARTH CORP! Or maybe just a wicked hangover.
(W) Stuart Moore
(A/C) Fred Harper
#ahoy #comics #highball
Mijn lievelingsmusical! Cats!
Nu in Ahoy, jaren geleden in Carré.
Zo gaaf ☺️
#uitjemetzusjes #moetenwevakerdoen #musical #ahoy #carre #thecats #cats
#uitjemetzusjes #moetenwevakerdoen #musical #ahoy #carre #thecats #cats
In een van de verhalen in ‘Een zwervend bestaan’ (1977) beschrijft Bob den Uyl (1930-1992) een optreden in een televisieprogramma (‘Heilig Vuur’) waarbij de makers “na veel nadenken op het originele idee gekomen” waren hem op wielerbaan Ahoy te laten fietsen en te interviewen, waarbij hij tijdens een proefrondje viel.
Bekijk het fragment en zie de betreffende passage uit het boek.
#fietsen #ahoy #bobdenuyl #literatuur
#root #rootboardgame #boardgame #boardgames #ahoy 3.I was playing a first game today with two friends and my partner. And someone mentioned that it was a bit tedious that you're exploring and you can't connect it with a previously discovered slab thus leaving it in a dead end. So I asked myself if I could design a map where this didn't happen as much or at all. And now, it's almost 3 in the morning in my country, and I'm already going through three different map designs. Thanks for reading.
#root #rootboardgame #boardgame #boardgames #ahoy