Esta es una cita extraída de la temporada 11 de AHS (American Horror Story) de uno de los capítulos finales. Las palabras se las dice Henry (interpretado por el magnífico Denis O'Hare) a Sam (que interpreta Zachary Quinto) en un momento clave.
Sea como sea y fuera de contexto, creo que lo más relevante de esta frase es la oscuridad que encierra y ese pesimismo que rebosa a lo largo de toda la temporada. Sin embargo, no le falta razón en una cosa: es importante enfrentarse a nuestros miedos, vergüenzas, al caos y nuestras sombras para seguir creciendo y, tal vez, como dice Henry, trascender. No creo que la oscuridad gane siempre, pero intentarlo, lo intenta con ganas.
Hoy no tengo mucho más que decir. Feliz martes. 😉🖖
#victormorata #victormoratawriter
#victormorataescritor #siervosdelaguadaña
#frasesinspiradoras #escribir #escribirficcion
#merecelapena #escrituracreativa
#escritoresespañoles #escribirmerecelapena
#frasedeldia #motivacion #inspiracion
#escritura #libros #novedadesliterarias #zacharyquinto #ahsnyc #ahs #denisohare #americanhorrorstory #ahs11
#victormorata #victormoratawriter #victormorataescritor #siervosdelaguadana #frasesinspiradoras #escribir #escribirficcion #merecelapena #escrituracreativa #escritoresespanoles #escribirmerecelapena #frasedeldia #motivacion #inspiracion #escritura #libros #novedadesliterarias #zacharyquinto #ahsnyc #ahs #denisohare #americanhorrorstory #ahs11
American Horror Story - NYC: Review der 11. Staffel #AHS #AmericanCrimeStory #AHSNYC
#ahsnyc #americancrimestory #ahs
I just realized this morning that Ryan Murphy had 2 characters in 2 separate shows die during bondage and I’m here like—what is that? Lol by this point I’m constantly doing psychoanalysis on Ryan Murphy - no shade as I did love AHS NYC - although I have a lot of feelings about show timing and other things. #ahs #lgbtq #ryanmurphy #tv #ahsnyc
#ahs #lgbtq #ryanmurphy #tv #ahsnyc
Can’t even deal with how well Zach Quinto is serving the “smug arrogant fuck” character in #AHSNYC
So many references in #AHSNYC
• Queer as folk
• Dick Tracy
• Dexter
• Paris is Burning
• Silence of the Lambs
• Saw
• X-Files
If #AHSNYC’s washed out visual style just so happens to include Russell Tovey’s ass in those acid wash jeans, look I’m ok with that.
If #AHSNYC’s washed out look happens to include Russell Tovey’s ass in those acid wash jeans, look I’m ok with it.
Is #AHSNYC supposed to be washed out like it’s an episode of The Bill from 1980?
American Horror Story - NYC: Something's Coming - Kritik zur Folge 11x01 #AHS #AHSNYC
good morning! Over at, i wrote about the latest season of Ryan Murphy’s horror anthology show; camp, profundity, protests, and AIDS; and the complicated implications of #AHSNYC ripping off from William Friedkin’s CRUISING:
Druggings, Deaths, Shootings & Robberies Put Gay Community on Alert #gaynightlife #lgbtq #hatecrimes #druggings not #ahsnyc
#gaynightlife #lgbtq #hatecrimes #druggings #ahsnyc
I fucking love Russell Tovey. I've loved him ever since I saw him playing George in Being Human. Now here he is in American Horror Story and I've been fanning out since the season started. Just now finishing the season.
I hate that he's not on Mastodon. He actually tweeted me back a few times over the years. He cracked up when I freaked out on Twitter when I realized it was him in AHS. That damn American accent seriously had me thrown for a few minutes. 😂
Just finished watching #AHSNYC - Joe Mantello exudes some early Elliot Gould swagger throughout, Russell Tovey is great as always, and it made some interesting choices that had this season feeling like Pose meets Dahmer (using RM shows for comparison sake).
Just finished watching #AHSNYC - Joe Martello exudes some early Elliot Gould swagger throughout, Russell Tovey is great as always, and it made some interesting choices that had this season feeling like Pose meets Dahmer (using RM shows for comparison sake).
Finally finished #AHSNYC and… yeah. I was squirming the whole time because of how exploitative it felt. Also, a lot of weird moral overtones.
Réquiem 1981/1987: Parte Dois no #TVTime
#americanhorrorstorynyc #americanhorrorstory #ahsnyc #ahs #tvtime
Réquiem 1981/1987: Parte Dois no #TVTime
#americanhorrorstorynyc #americanhorrorstory #ahsnyc #ahs #tvtime
Réquiem 1981/1987: Parte Um no #TVTime
#americanhorrorstorynyc #americanhorrorstory #ahsnyc #ahs #tvtime
Réquiem 1981/1987: Parte Um no #TVTime
#americanhorrorstorynyc #americanhorrorstory #ahsnyc #ahs #tvtime