FINISH: Fifth past the line at the 2022 Oxfam Trailwalker Hong Kong is 8008 #AIAInternationalLimited (Dennis Theodosis, David Longo, Luis Alvelais, James Park) in 14:08:32. They turned the wrong way at M177.5 & ran 3 extra k’s in all.
📹 All finish-line videos by @b3108
#aiainternationallimited #otwhk
{#OTWHK 2022 | CP1 Sai Wan 16km}
Leading teams thru:
8004 #JointDynamicsGoneRunning
8001 #TrailwalkerTeachingRoom
8006 #YuenLongTownHallCommunityCentre
8008 #AIAInternationalLimited
8027 #PinotNoirxATCxLaunch8
8035 #HongKongPolicePTU
8026 #TakeItSlow
#otwhk #jointdynamicsgonerunning #trailwalkerteachingroom #yuenlongtownhallcommunitycentre #aiainternationallimited #pinotnoirxatcxlaunch8 #hongkongpoliceptu #takeitslow
8006 #YuenLongTownHallCommunityCentre
Joseph YEUNG Chi Shing
Ferdinand TSANG Fuk Cheung
WONG Ho Chung
Woody WU Man Tsun
8008 #AIAInternationalLimited
Dennis Theodosis
David Longo
Luis Alvarez
James Park
#yuenlongtownhallcommunitycentre #aiainternationallimited #otwhk