🔥⏲️ Fudge Sunday "Jumping Someone Else's Trained Model" A look at a reader request for GenAI stories that are unrelated to platform engineering
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#generativeai #genai #llama2 #largelanguagemodels #rulesbased #aiforeveryone #aiforbusiness #practicalai #aiapplications #aiapps #newsletters #newsletter
I just started using Bard to help me learn Google Cloud console.
I’m considering the various models, but need an AI assistant and Learning & Development (#EdTech space) to search and discover the appropriate context.
Otherwise, democratized machine learning apps are like the Library of Alexandria without a card catalog or a Hypatia to explain the Gods of Lies™ and what you need
#GoogleCloud #learning #democratization #AIapps #librarian #cybrarian #GoogleBard #stochasticparrots
#edtech #googlecloud #learning #democratization #aiapps #librarian #cybrarian #googlebard #stochasticparrots
My latest. This was a fun case study to write! #USPTO #DevSecOps #MainframeModernization #AIapps #TensorFlow #ChatGPT https://www.techtarget.com/searchitoperations/feature/Mainframe-modernization-to-AI-apps-USPTO-reinvents-itself
#uspto #devsecops #MainframeModernization #aiapps #tensorflow #chatgpt
HIRING: AI Application Developer / Remote https://ai-jobs.net/J42989/ #AI #MachineLearning #DataJobs #AIcareers #MLjobs #bigdata #DataScience #AIjobs #hiringnow #RemoteJob #Chatbots #ChatGPT #GPT #Research #AIapps #appdev #webdeveloper #remotedev #GenAI #freelance
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