@jakob @cstross @pluralistic If an #AIexecutives can produce better financial results for shareholders, with a better public reputation, and less criminal and civil penalties than #humanexecutives, then it's the #corporations and the board's fiduciary duty to employ them - for the cost of purchasing the #AICEO program, plus data and electricity for operation.
#aiceo #corporations #humanexecutives #aiexecutives
@donaldball @ianbetteridge @cstross @pluralistic Executive corporate culture is similar to prison in that the population of both is about 20% on the psychopath spectrum. https://www.businessinsider.com/1-in-5-ceos-are-psychopaths-according-to-a-new-study-2016-9?op=1 This is the world that #AI is coming of age in, and will inherit or increasingly take over analysis and decision-making from humans - will it do worse? Self-driving cars will likely kill less people; will #AICEO be more #prosocial or #antisocial? #AItakeover
#aitakeover #antisocial #prosocial #aiceo #ai