I am delighted to share the cover of my new book, #CatastrophicDiplomacy, forthcoming with
later this year!
#disaster #disasters #SHAFRhistorians #humanitarianism #AidHistory
#catastrophicdiplomacy #disaster #disasters #shafrhistorians #humanitarianism #aidhistory
RT @juliairwin@twitter.com
I'm already excited for this edited volume -- and it's only at the CFP stage! Should be of interest for #AidHistory colleagues. https://twitter.com/BrianDrohan/status/1616080139367882754
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/juliairwin/status/1616123107613319169
My trusty editorial assistant, Sacco the Cat, is *delighted* to announce that I just submitted my book for production!!! _Catastrophic Diplomacy: US Foreign Disaster Assistance in the American Century_ will be coming out next year with University of North Carolina Press.
Enormous thanks to my editor extraordinaire, Debbie Gershenowitz, for all her support and suggestions along the way! Now, time to celebrate.
#AidHistory #disaster #disasters #humanitarian #SHAFRhistorians #GlobalHistory
#aidhistory #disaster #disasters #humanitarian #shafrhistorians #globalhistory
Upcoming webinar on 'Conflict's Impact on Food Systems' - 9.30am (Irish time), 15 Dec 2022. Register here for the link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/conflicts-impacts-on-food-systems-evidence-from-somalia-sudan-and-haiti-tickets-478325202557 #aidhistory #humanitarianism
Hi #histodons I’m excited to discuss history on here rather than the 🐥 app now.
I’m a first year PhD student at Ohio University. My research studies focus on diplomatic history pertaining to the US response to humanitarian crises and human rights policies during the Cold War. My thesis was about Carter’s response to the Indochinese refugee diaspora.
#shafrhistorians #aidhistory #history #globalhistory #humanitarian #histodon #refugee #coldwar #Vietnam #historian
#introduction #histodons #shafrhistorians #aidhistory #history #globalhistory #humanitarian #histodon #refugee #coldwar #vietnam #historian
My v late #Introduction: I teach history at #Birkbeck, Uni of London - an amazing place but currently going through an existential crisis. I work on the history of #internationalism, incl a long-standing project on the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. Recently I've been thinking about international #conferences as part of the mechanics of internationalism. Also interested in histories of humanitarian relief work, #refugees, #aidhistory, #histsci #histodons #scihistodons
#scihistodons #histodons #histsci #aidhistory #Refugees #conferences #internationalism #Birkbeck #Introduction
Introducing myself: I'm a historian interested in questions of global justice, development, environment, and Global North-South encounters. I've written two books on those subjects - the second of which, The NGO Moment, was published last year (2021) by Cambridge University Press. I've also collaborated on several projects with colleagues from the aid sector and I'm currently working on a new project about climate change adaptation.
#GlobalHistory #AidHistory environmentalhistory #humanitarian
#globalhistory #aidhistory #humanitarian