#AIDoomers rejoice! You have been debunked yet again! Bwahahaha #SALAMI
Figure influenti e media contribuiscono alla diffusione di scenari apocalittici sull'Intelligenza Artificiale, e tutti abboccano. Facendo il loro gioco e impedendo un dibattito serio. Ma quanto e a chi conviene il "catastrofismo AI"?
#ai #aidoomers #intelligenzaartificiale #transumanismo #microchip #finestradioverton #marketing
#ai #aidoomers #intelligenzaartificiale #Transumanismo #microchip #FinestraDiOverton #marketing
#AIDoomers are afraid of #AI b/c they are certain it will become a #Superoptimizer or #Superintelligence , engineering away all #Life on #Earth - they speak from experience b/c #HomoSapiens is doing just that, using the superintelligence of global #corporations
So, #LLM AI is the moment another generation becomes afraid of its own species, in the mirror of technology.
Like their grandparents in front of #Auschwitz and #Hiroshima. And their peers confronted w/ #ClimateChange.
#aidoomers #ai #superoptimizer #superintelligence #life #earth #homosapiens #corporations #llm #auschwitz #hiroshima #climatechange #unplugai