Canadian Letter: Beat the market with these two stocks, analysts say #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #aif #de
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #aif #de
Canadian Letter: Altus Group is back on track, National Bank Financial says #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #aif
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #aif
🔥⏲️ Fudge Sunday "Fuzz Jam June" A look at the growing importance of fuzzing in platform engineering
#fuzzing #fuzztesting #fuzzylogic #fuzzball #fuzzy #platformengineering #platformengineer #toolchains #attestation #softwaresupplychain #softwaresupplychainsecurity #dast #owasp #waf #cncf #aif #artificialintelliegence #machinelearningmodels #cloudinfrastructure #securityautomation #securitybydesign #scanning #defenseindepth #shiftleft #newsletter #newsletters
#fuzzing #fuzztesting #fuzzylogic #fuzzball #fuzzy #platformengineering #platformengineer #toolchains #attestation #softwaresupplychain #softwaresupplychainsecurity #dast #owasp #waf #cncf #aif #artificialintelliegence #machinelearningmodels #cloudinfrastructure #securityautomation #securitybydesign #scanning #defenseindepth #shiftleft #newsletter #newsletters
Canadian Letter: 13 AI stocks for your portfolio #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #dcbo #dtol #otex #quis #sbio #well #wish #aif #cts #cvo #kxs #mvp #prl #AI
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #dcbo #dtol #otex #quis #sbio #well #wish #aif #cts #cvo #kxs #mvp #prl #ai
Canadian Letter: Buy Altus Group stock on pullbacks, says National Bank #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #Software #aif
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #software #aif
Canadian Letter: 20 Tech stocks with Buy-equivalent ratings from National Bank #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #gib.a #alya #cplf #dcbo #dtol #einc #fdge #lspd #nvei #otex #qfor #real #sftc #shop #thnc #tixt #aif #bln #csu #cts #cvo #kxs #mdf #pvt #tcs
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #gib #alya #cplf #dcbo #dtol #einc #fdge #lspd #nvei #otex #qfor #real #sftc #shop #thnc #tixt #aif #bln #csu #cts #cvo #kxs #mdf #pvt #tcs
Canadian Letter: Still more upside to Altus Group, says National Bank #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #Software #aif
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #software #aif
EFI: Zeitenwende auch in der Innovationspolitik notwendig
Die Expertenkommission Forschung und Innovation (EFI) hat ihr aktuelles Gutachten zur Forschung, Inn
#AiF #ArbeitsgemeinschaftindustriellerForschungsvereinigung #BMWK #BundesministeriumfürWirtschaftundKlimaschutz #EFI #ExpertenkommissionForschungundInnovation #Mittelstands-Pakt #Ukrainekrieg #Wasserstoff #Zeitenwende
#aif #arbeitsgemeinschaftindustriellerforschungsvereinigung #bmwk #bundesministeriumfurwirtschaftundklimaschutz #efi #expertenkommissionforschungundinnovation #mittelstands #ukrainekrieg #wasserstoff #zeitenwende
Canadian Letter: Altus Group is a Buy, says Eight Capital #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #Software #aif
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #software #aif
@inform7tips #AIF is a really interesting anomaly in gaming. For a while back when creator-accessible parser systems like TADS and Inform exploded there was an active community. A lot of it unfortunately was exploitive in the same way mainstream pornography usually is and attracted a lot of that demographic. And as graphics took over, pure text erotica has kind of fallen out of favor, but there are still a handful of creators doing erotic RPGs without images in Twine.