I'm doing some research for a device authentication policy. I think I found an article written by AI - at least I hope an AI wrote this crap. Also why does anything use biometrics to authenticate itself?
I won't be using their free seminar. #aifail #aifollies
A colleague asked about some of the search queries I had run on Bing chat for an article earlier this year. I re-ran them and was shocked at how much worse the results were! In March, I got some solid scholarly results - this time around I only got web results, and when I insisted on scholarly articles Bing chat started making them up. #ai #aifail
Also, DAS ist mir noch nicht passiert: Google Maps hat gerade plötzlich englische Navigationsansagen vorgelesen - MIT DEUTSCHEM AKZENT („töan reit“) 😱 Nach drei Straßen sagte die Stimme dann „Du bist wieder online“ und wechselte nach Deutsch, als sei nichts gewesen. #AI #Ki #AIfail
Not too worried about AI just yet.
This specialist floor planning tool AI managed to read the uploaded floor plan, let's say, less-than perfectly..
OK who has the sole carbon atom?! I need to use it, it's my turn!
Is this the same as ginger cats, who all share one brain cell?
Adobe's AI audio cleanup tool is not very good for this clip of Joe Biden outright lying his prosthetic face off about selling influence to various puppets around the world, but mostly in Ukraine & China.
@nineberry eher mit der Vorsilbe "kilo" scheint mir, selbst wenn sie quadriert ist.
Gruselig. Doppelt gruselig, dass beide den gleichen Fehler machen. #AIFail #KI
I asked Facebook's AI music generator to give me a "Micho Russell knock off."
Not sure if the Clare whistler would recognize this. #AIFail
The auto-transcription bot I used in an interview just now thinks I was talking about "what it means to work as an independent butler for cannabis videos."
Er, not quite. But perhaps in an alternate dimension...
(It was actually about independent calvados bottlers. No idea where the 'videos' part came from.)
#aifail #lolbots #cannabis #calvados
Purchased some #boardgames today
Welcome to the moon
Agricola all creatures big and small
And got an automated fraud alert text from my credit card. This has got to be the biggest #AIFail since that is the most normal purchase I could possibly make :)
Stable diffusion has no idea what a pineapple tart is. #AI #StableDiffusion #AIFail #NoLocalFlavour
#nolocalflavour #aifail #StableDiffusion #ai
#aifail from "A medieval king wearing blue clothes, holding a sword, sitting on a throne". Guess I should have specified that he should not have more than two hands.