Specifically, I am of the view that if they are accepted then #nivenly will become complicit in the behavior of #AiHordeDotNet.
I _don't_ think that the Nivenly board sees it that way, but as an engineer _I_ would. I could draw a line between "us" and "them" if .net was run by someone who was not a lead maintainer on #Haidra
This would not be as big of deal, except that I feel like there's a bit of a shell game going on when it comes to responsibility, and that's part of my core objection
#nivenly #aihordedotnet #haidra
In our introduction here we establish the terms.
Basically what I see is that there are three separate concepts that need to be discussed:
Haidra is the parent organization looking to join nivenly.
#AiHorde is the actual software
#AiHordeDotNet is the maintainer's implementation service and the main cluster that the #AiHorde software ties into
For reasons I'll get into later I do not believe that this delineation is bad, but I also think we should weigh the behavior and activity of .net /3