Jako mládě jsem několik let cvičil #aikido. Vystřídal jsem několik učitelů a různých přístupů k výuce. První technika, se kterou jsem se setkal, byla Irimi nage. Myslím si, že je to jediná věc, kterou bych na ulici v případě nouze jakž takž dokázal použít. To, co se mnou udělal Daniel Vaillant Sensei, se nedá popsat jinak, než že jsem během jeho Irimi nage vrostl do skály jeho těla, svět se zatočil a najednou jsem se válel dezorientovaný na zemi.
1) Maybe I’m starting to get the hang of this #Aikido thing. A little. As much as that’s possible after only a few years.
2) Putting the kitchen back together a little after the cabinets are installed.
3) Cooked an egg! On a stove! For the first time in two weeks. (Stove installed, too!)
Hippie at Aikido: I had retired, and then I got an email asking if I wanted to write a book, so I told him I'm going to have to learn a bunch of new math, and he said that was fine, so that was two years ago, and anyway the book is live now.
Me: What's your book about?
Hippie: Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography.
Me: Oh, wow. Congratulations!
You meet the weirdest coolest people at #aikido.
“The purpose of education is to open your spirit. Modern education has forgotten this. The entire universe is a huge open book, full of miraculous things, and that is where true learning must be sought. In that spirit, take responsibility, train hard, develop yourselves, bloom in this world, and bear fruit.”
― Morihei Ueshiba, The Art of Peace
#Aikido: A Japanese martial art practiced by millions
Räknade ut att det var 35 år sedan jag tränade #aikido sist. Men idag hände det! Bättre sent än aldrig 😅
C'est bientôt la rentrée scolaire mais aussi la rentrée sportive. Je me suis réinscrit à l'#aïkido.
Our #aikido club will have a public demonstration of the art tomorrow (Tuesday) and Thursday at 6pm in Rajamäki. It’s a beautiful but challenging and subtle Japanese martial art. Suitable for all ages and backgrounds but you can also just come and watch.
@katre @TaliaRinger
That's what I also love about my #aikido practice. My mind can't help but let go of everything it's been busy with and focus only on the practice on the mat. Magic.
@TaliaRinger I met a doctor about ADHD last week and am waiting to see what happens next.
But this puts my love of #aikido in a new light. One of the big benefits is that it shuts off my brain for an hour or so!
Liebe #Graz Bubble:
Ihr möchtet Kampfkünste ausprobieren? Am Di um 19:00 gibt es in Andritz ein gemeinsames Training für #Aikidō und #Karate veranstaltet von unserem Verein. Schaut einfach mit lockerer Hose und T-Shirt vorbei. #合気道 #空手
#空手 #合気道 #karate #aikido #graz
Another thing that was also confirmed was that the #Cybertruck bed will still be over 6 feet (1.83 metres), and the longest of any full crew cab pickup of that length. It is likely, however, to be shorter than the 6.5’ (1.98 metres) that was thrown around after the original launch event.
Interestingly that bed is not long enough to transport tatamis (e.g. for #aikido). Unlike the @VWGroup #IDBuzz which managed fine once back seats were folded.
New video from my aikido dojo, the Aiki Arts Center, on the distinct roles of uke and nage in aikido training.
Directed, produced, and filmed by Steve Tomich Sensei, and featuring me, Azzia Walker Sensei, and Joy Reichart Sensei. 9 minutes.
Related. As I was teaching today a thought occurred to me. Someone from a different style attended and was explaining their belief that “everyone should make Aikido their own.” Whilst conceptually I don’t disagree, the fundamental #Principles and the basics of #Aikido remain the same no matter your skill level, or physical characteristics.
5yo was the only kid in the kid's #aikido class, so he got a whole hour with just me and sensei teaching him.
Me: What was your favorite part of it?
5yo: ...shiko [knee walking] with a sword [to help him work on hand position].
Me: Why?
5yo: Because it was fun and I got to stab you at the end. That's always good.
J'ai trouvé un #manga qui parle d'#aïkido : Evil Heart !
Great #aikido class today. That's three days in a row on the mat after some very sporadic training, and I'm back in on Monday for a one to one session on ukemi before the main class!
I got a bit demotivated when I realised there had been too many interruptions this year to make it plausible that I could take my 4th dan test. But I think I've found it again now and let's see about 2024!