Lizzy McGlynn quoting Rob Garver, "Archival is only one letter off of ARCHRIVAL!" #AIMACopyright
Final discussion is the Code of Best Practices in relation to the nuance of Fair Use and exhibitions. A book jacket is meant to entice people to buy the book. When you blow up a historic example to advertise the exhibition, that's a very different purpose (back to the quote about purpose being key in recent legislation). Resource: #AIMACopyright
Question from the audience on how to educate university general counsel when they lack knowledge about section 108 & libraries. AIMA has this care package: Butler suggests making it possible for them to be your champion, by linking to your mission and making clear the stakes, for example, especially emphasizing the $$, investment, and cultural heritage lost from deteriorating media. #AIMACopyright
Another resource shared, a 2012 recording, "Video at Risk: Strategies for Preserving Commercial Video Collections in Libraries, Section 108 Copyright Guidelines." #AIMACopyright #AVCollections #Archives #Section108 #Libraries #AcademicLibraries
#aimacopyright #avcollections #archives #section108 #libraries #academiclibraries
Article from the speaker Ziskina and Kyle Courtney, giving context from 1890-today. "The Publisher Playbook: A Brief History of the Publishing Industry’s Obstruction of the Library Mission" #AIMACopyright
"Don't panic." The IA decision is specific to 127 titles that have licensed ebook version available, offered very broadly. Not applicable to most CDL programs. - Ziskina #AIMACopyright
"What we know about fair use from 'Warhol' is that purpose is key." The photographer and the Warhol image were competing in the same commercial market for the same purpose (magazine covers). So, the takeaway for scholarly and documentary uses are still a new purpose and not direct competition. - Butler #AIMACopyright #Copyright #libraries #AcademicLibraries #Archives
#aimacopyright #copyright #libraries #academiclibraries #archives
This useful link was shared via chat from some of today's speakers explaining. "Warhol v. Goldsmith: a Narrow Decision Preserves Fair Use As We Know It for Filmmakers" #copyright #FairUse #AIMACopyright
#copyright #fairuse #aimacopyright
"Warhol lost, but the rest of us did not." - Butler. The talk will cover history and where we are today, focusing on Warhol v. Goldsmith (calling it a narrow opinion). #AIMACopyright
Brandon Butler from the University of Virginia Libraries is up next with "Film and Fair Use After Warhol." #AIMACopyright #archives #film #art #ArtHistory
#aimacopyright #archives #film #art #arthistory
Cram briefly discusses AMPPD, the Audiovisual Metadata Platform Pilot Development that is a developing tool that can help identify embedded copyrights. Not much more said, but I found this link about it:
Cram is discussing a case study of a photo of "The Bean" in Chicago having intersecting copyright for the photo, and for the work. Extending that to film, with so many creators from choreographers to composers to videographers. #AIMACopyright
Greg Cram, Associate General Counsel and Director of Information Policy from NYPL is the keynote speaker starting now. #AIMACopyright
"Archives and copyright are inextricably linked." Rachel Stoeltje starts off the symposium. #AIMACopyright #archives