Kotaku: 17 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started Playing Starfield https://kotaku.com/starfield-tips-guide-xbox-money-fast-travel-map-traits-1850798018?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #bethesdasoftworks #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #starfield #aiming #menu #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #bethesdasoftworks #windowsgames #zenimaxmedia #starfield #aiming #Menu #rpg
#Meanwhile... #MoreTails from #TheRoseGarden... | #TalesFromTheRoseGarden
#Following the #Success of #PartialMowJune... We're now #Aiming for #PartialMowSeptember... #TheBees are #LovingIT...
But #Speaking of #PlumAndRusty...
I #StillThink we might be #GettingAutumn / #Fall a #BitSooner than #Usual...
🧙⚔️🤖🐺🤖⚔️🧙 | 🪐🦹🚀🦄🚀🦹🪐
#meanwhile #moretails #therosegarden #talesfromtherosegarden #following #success #partialmowjune #aiming #partialmowseptember #thebees #lovingit #speaking #plumandrusty #stillthink #gettingautumn #fall #bitsooner #usual
対戦ホラーゲーム『かみながしじま〜輪廻の巫女〜』に『ひぐらしのなく頃に 業』から竜宮レナと園崎魅音・詩音姉妹が登場。コラボイベントを6月15日より開催
#電ファミニコゲーマー_ゲームの面白い記事読んでみない #ニュース #Aiming #Android #iOS #LiTMUS株式会社 #アクションゲーム #かみながしじま_輪廻の少女 #コラボ #ひぐらしのなく頃に業 #ホラーゲーム #ヨシムネ #講談社
#電ファミニコゲーマー_ゲームの面白い記事読んでみない #ニュース #aiming #android #ios #litmus株式会社 #アクションゲーム #かみながしじま_輪廻の少女 #コラボ #ひぐらしのなく頃に業 #ホラーゲーム #ヨシムネ #講談社
Woman shooting at the fair in Genk.
#photography #black&white #streetphotography #concentration #woman #fair #belgium #skill #aiming
#photography #black #streetphotography #concentration #woman #fair #belgium #skill #aiming
Kotaku: Sonic Co-Creator Charged With Illegally Trading Over $1 Million In Final Fantasy Stock https://kotaku.com/sonic-square-enix-final-fantasy-dragon-quest-stock-1849935301 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #roleplayingvideogames #videogamepublishers #videogamecompanies #business2cfinance #balanwonderworld #insidertrading #taisukesasaki #finalfantasy #dragonquest #videogaming #squareenix #videogames #yujinaka #aiming #sonic #enix
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #roleplayingvideogames #videogamepublishers #videogamecompanies #business2cfinance #balanwonderworld #insidertrading #taisukesasaki #finalfantasy #dragonquest #videogaming #squareenix #videogames #yujinaka #aiming #sonic #enix
Wer das verrückte #Movement nicht mag (#Strafejump war schon geil damals...) nimmt einfach den "Classic" Mode wenn er einen Serverraum aufmacht. #Aiming for the win! :)
Schöpfer von Zeichentrick-Igel Sonic wegen Insiderhandels festgenommen.
Der Mitschöpfer der klassischen Video-Games-Reihe Sonic the Hedgehog wurde laut der Tokyoter Staatsanwaltschaft wegen angeblichem Insiderhandel verhaftet.
#Aiming #Aktien #Insiderhandel #Japan #JapanNews #Kriminalität #Nachrichten #News #Sonic #Wirtschaft #WirtschaftNews #YujiNaka
#aiming #aktien #Insiderhandel #japan #JapanNews #kriminalitat #nachrichten #news #sonic #wirtschaft #wirtschaftnews #yujinaka
Tundra fire slows, but still aiming at Alaska Native village - ABC News #tundra #fire #slows #still #aiming #alaska #native #village #news #12giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9hYmNuZXdzLmdvLmNvbS9VUy93aXJlU3RvcnkvdHVuZHJhLWZpcmUtc2xvd3MtYWltaW5nLWFsYXNrYS1uYXRpdmUtdmlsbGFnZS04NTMzNTQ5OQ==
#12giugno #news #village #native #alaska #aiming #still #slows #fire #tundra
biscuit and tea...
#biscuit #tea #bungeejumping #uk #dunking #aiming #bullseye #animatedgif
#dunking #biscuit #tea #bungeejumping #uk #aiming #bullseye #animatedgif
biscuit and tea...
#biscuit #tea #bungeejumping #uk #dunking #aiming #bullseye #animatedgif
#biscuit #tea #bungeejumping #uk #dunking #aiming #bullseye #animatedgif
biscuit and tea...
#biscuit #tea #bungeejumping #uk #dunking #aiming #bullseye #animatedgif
#biscuit #tea #bungeejumping #uk #dunking #aiming #bullseye #animatedgif
between the bottles...
#between #bottles #slingshot #aim #aiming #animatedgif
between the bottles...
#between #bottles #slingshot #aim #aiming #animatedgif
change direction...
#change #direction #curve #goaround #arrow #bowandarrow #cocacola #aluminumcans #stacked #aim #aiming #animatedgif
#bowandarrow #arrow #cocacola #aluminumcans #aim #aiming #animatedgif #change #direction #goaround
change direction...
#change #direction #curve #goaround #arrow #bowandarrow #cocacola #aluminumcans #stacked #aim #aiming #animatedgif
#bowandarrow #arrow #cocacola #aluminumcans #aim #aiming #animatedgif #change #direction #goaround