`As might be expected of a festival that begins an agricultural cycle, weather divination was important at #Beltane, with frost being deemed ominous of bad times ahead, while rain was a sign of good fortune and a strong harvest.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @DASG_Glaschu
#caiseanBhealltainn #aimsir #sìde #teamhair #uisge #bùrn #rain #fluich #badweather
#Bealltainn #Bealtaine #Boa…
#beltane #celtic #mythology #folklore #caiseanbhealltainn #aimsir #side #teamhair #uisge #burn #rain #fluich #badweather #bealltainn #Bealtaine #boa
#Celtic #FaustianFriday #superstitiology: `As might be expected of a festival that begins an agricultural cycle, weather divination was important at #Beltane, with frost being deemed ominous of bad times ahead, while rain was a sign of good fortune and a strong harvest.`
RT @DASG_Glaschu
#caiseanBhealltainn #aimsir #sìde #teamhair #uisge #bùrn #rain #fluich #badweather
#Bealltainn #Bealtaine #Boa…
#celtic #FaustianFriday #superstitiology #beltane #caiseanbhealltainn #aimsir #side #teamhair #uisge #burn #rain #fluich #badweather #bealltainn #Bealtaine #boa
Ma tha sibh airson naidheachd mun t-sìde fhaighinn gach latha, tha làrach ann a bheir Teachdaireachdan dìreach air Mastodon dhuibh: https://bot.elmt.eu/?/main/forecast/3333231/glasgow-city
☀️ 🌧️ 💨 🌡️ 🌔
RT @LearnGaelicScot@twitter.com
An aimsir airson an-diugh | The weather for today
Na gabh dragh @joydunlop@twitter.com, we've got you covered 😉
#Gàidhlig #Gaelic #Scotland #Alba #Aimsir @BBCAimsir@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LearnGaelicScot/status/1171729454143541248
#gàidhlig #gaelic #scotland #alba #aimsir